chapter 1: a normal life in the sky

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the past

there once lived a race of people on the ground that did not decent to the sky, the ones who stayed behind, they were called the Elven race, some say they were the descents of demons because they have white as snow skin with white hair and demonic red eyes, some say the race was left on the ground on purpose by the new sky people because how snake like the race was and the diamond shapes,its there trademark symbol, even though the people of the race looked evil did not mean they were evil, they were a peaceful race who lived in a small village of tents and had fields of food, in this little village there was a prophecy of a child being born of this race that has bright blue hair and green eyes, this child was said to have the soul of the golden goddesses who helped the goddess Hylia in human form to rid the world of a great evil, or so the story goes, in this village lived a boy no more then 7 years old, his name was Ghirahim, he was a very happy kid and everyone in the village liked him, then one day his mother gave birth to a baby girl with blue hair and green eyes just like the legend,  Ghirahim was so excited about having a baby sister, everyone in the village were shocked about the child, then about a week latter the village was attacked by demons, at this time Ghirahim was out in a field playing when he saw from a distance of his village burning, he ran as fast as he could to the village and saw everyone dead, his thoughts were of his baby sister, so he ran home and found both his mother and father dead but no sign of the baby, what he did not know was that his mother sent the baby away tied onto the back of a black and white loftwing flying to the sky with a note attached to the blanket the child was in, Ghirahim had no knowledge of that, he thought she had died like the rest of his family, this broke the young child, he was no longer the happy person he once was, he was found buy the same demons who killed his family and decided that the boy would be helpful alive, they tricked the young boy to join them telling him there was a way to bring his family back to life, told him the only way was too touch a sword of great power, the sword of Demise, he felt like he was sucked into the sword and found himself in a dark room and someone spoke to him saying:"you are now the servant of this sword, the master of this sword commands you, new sword spirit, to find a way to resurrect your master and in return your master will give you what you so desire, your family" and with that Ghirahim was standing next to the sword, the demons called him Demon Lord Ghirahim and trained him to get strong and fast, how to use magic, dark magic, for 16 years.

the child with ocean blue hair and emerald green eyes was curled up in the blanked tied rather tightly on the back of an white and black loftwing who found its way to Skyloft , the city in the sky, it landed in front of the knights academy, the first to see the Loftwing  was the head master of the academy, Gaepora, who found the child on the back with the note, he reads the note and this is what it says:

"to whoever finds this note with a child on a Loftwing, please take care of her, she is the last survivor of a village on the ground world, the child's name is Iris, protect her and give her a good life, please, love, a loving mother who wishes the best for her child" 

Gaepora took the child inside of the knight's academy and to his Wife, Lulu and there one year old daughter Zelda, Lulu looked at him holding a strange child and he told her about finding the child on the back of a loftwing and gave her the note, after reading it they both agreed to take in the poor child, and because of this the girl became Zelda's adopted younger sister and her room in the academy is next to Zelda's room, much later the room next to hers would become Karane's room, a few years later when Iris was only 5 years old, tragedy struck and the only mother the child ever knew, Zelda's mother, got sick, so did so many others, Lulu was strong but not strong enough and died from the illness, not long after though, Zelda had gotten sick and Iris cried fearing the loss of a sister after losing her step mother, this was far too much for the young girl and she locked herself in her room crying, link had tried so many times to talk to Iris but got no luck, the only person who ever got close to her was a young boy about 8 named Pipit, he was strong and caring and when he heard about everything going on he had to beg his parents to let him go and see Iris, worried about the young girl, they let him go and when he arrived at the academy, they let him in and he went to Iris's bedroom door, at first she told him to go away but when she realized it was Pipit, she let only him in and wound up hugging him and crying and he would just hold her and tell her that everything would be ok, Iris and Pipit had been best friends since the day they met so very long ago, pipit did not care what people said about how Iris looked, yes she looked different, that does not mean she's not a person with feelings, pipit knew this and would try his best to protect her from bullies like Groose and his friends latter on, it was not uncommon for children as young as 10 or 12 to join the knights academy, when Zelda got better from the illness, everyone was happy, Zelda was the light in the city of Skyloft, everyone loved her and Iris wanted so badly to be like zelda, so she would always smile even if she got beaten up by the bullies and such and would always be nice to everyone, she would help out anyway she could, she would help clean the classroom and go around town just helping people and eventually people started to like her and are actually friendly towards her, then about 6  years latter Iris started as a student at the school and pipit was a year ahead of her, that year would bring new students to the school, one student was Karane, a tall girl with red hair and blue eyes, she was pretty to look at but she had a kinda smell too her that she tried to hide with perfumes, Karane was from the only farm island in the sky that has cows, pigs and coccus (looks like chickens), she was only friendly to Zelda and Pipit and maybe to link, she hated Iris the moment she arrived at the academy and saw her, when no one was around, Karena would mock and bully Iris calling her:"Snake girl", this would upset Iris, but she would just smile and tried so very hard not to say anything unless the bullying got bad enough, Iris hated the fact that Karane's room was right next door, she felt like the wall was thin enough to be heard thru. Iris's bedroom is a round-ish room with her bed under a large window, then there's a bookshelf, clothes closet, desk, table with a chair and in the middle of the room is a low, round table with kitty cat pillows to sit on, on the low table there's a tea set, iris's room is all black and white, monochrome, this makes it the most unique room in the academy and Iris always has the door locked, Karena has tried and failed to get into Iris's room many times, there was a strong difference between Iris and Karane, iris was always sweet and kind, kinda tomboy-ish and Karane was the kind of girl who did her makeup and very girly making her knights uniform look girly, in class iris would try to focus on their school work but would see Karane glancing at pipit who was about the graduate from the academy, that year's colors were yellow, everyone knew pipit would graduate top of his class that year but no one knew that the reason why pipit was so determined to graduate to be a knight was to protect a certain someone that he deeply cared about, he secretly loved her for a long time now but was way too shy to say anything to her,Iris had grown to be a beautiful young girl, out of every girl there she was the most attractive, she has an hourglass figure and her chest size is admittedly bigger than the other girls by a good bit and just recently she has been wearing her blue hair up in a ponytail and black diamond shape berets in her hair to keep it out of her face, it is strange that she has only one blue diamond earring on, she's always had it though, to pipit that just made Iris that much more interesting and beautiful, Iris had a secret crush on pipit and would wright it down in her diary, she was far too shy to say anything to him though, then he graduated to being a knight, then one day well Iris was walking to her room she saw Karane who looked upset and walked over to her

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