⊱Chapter Two⊰

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~Kellin's P.O.V~

"Kellin, can you grab the last box out of the kitchen for me?" I nodded and stood up to go get it.

"I still can't believe that your making us move to San Diego in the middle of my Junior year." I said as I got into the car.

"Kellin," she sighed "I'm sorry, it'll be great there, you'll love it. Just give it time." My mom said as she gave me a reassuring smile.

Our flight seemed longer then it actually was, but I guess it's cause I was dreading the whole move.

We pulled up outside of our new house, it was a good size. And the street didn't look too bad either. I still wasn't happy about the move. I had to leave everything behind. I've always lived in Michigan, California is just going to take a while to get use to.


My alarm went off and my first thought was how I didn't want to get up. But it was my first day at a new school. Ugh.

When I got to the school, I went to get my schedule. I walked into the administration office and told the lady behind the counter my name. She just simply smiled and handed me the piece of paper.

I walked into my first period class, English, just a few minutes late. I had had a hard time finding my way around. But I seemed to manage. The teacher simply nodded and motioned for me to take a seat.

I sat in front of this guy who was talking to, who I'm presuming was his girlfriend, by the amount of giggles I heard coming from their direction.

I hated this. Not that I minded the school or the people, well the people didn't bug me at all, considering I don't know anyone. But I hated the fact that I'd have to start everything all over again. It's not easy for me to make friends. No one really wants to socialize with the depressed, shy kid. Well, except the few friends I had managed to make back in Michigan.

The bell rang in what seemed like no time at all. I looked at the paper that had my schedule on it and went about, on my own, making my way to my next class. I heard a voice speak from behind me. "Hey, you!" I turned, curious as to why someone is talking to me? I looked around a bit confused as she walked straight up to me.

"Um, hi?" I said, really not knowing what to say.

"You must be the new kid, right?" She asked hesitantly. I simply nodded and started walking again. She kept up with me, "So what class do you have next?" She asked, looking down at the schedule in my hands.

"Biology." I stated. Her eyes widened a bit.

"Me too," she paused "I'm Kendra by the way.. And you are?"

"Kellin," I said shyly.

"Well Kellin, hope this isn't too straight forward but your very good looking." She giggled a little. I just looked at her and smiled.

'Woo, first day and I already am in the midst of becoming a ladies man.' I thought to myself sarcastically.

I walked into the next class, surprised to still be accompanied by Kendra. She had taken the seat next to me.

"So, where'd you move here from?" She asked, seaming genuinely curious.

"Michigan." I simply stated. She just made an 'o' shape with her mouth and shifted forward.

The rest of the day seemed to fly by. I was thankful to finally be home.

'Well, that went well.' I thought to myself as I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Slowly drifting asleep.



I'm sorry, this isn't turning out very good. Ill try to fix it. But I may just give up on this story.. :/


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