Chapter Four

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A single scream echoed through the ship.

"What the hell was that?!" Sci's eyes widened.

"I don't know!" I replied. "C'mon, let's see where it came from," I rushed below deck, followed closely by Sci. As I ran, I thought of last evening... then shook my head. This was not the time.

We entered Sci and Rolland's room. I gasped. There was a hole in the side of the boat. I watched in horror as four strange people dressed in black with masks dragged a silent, scared Rolland away in a small rowboat. Two looked up. One had woody brown eyes and big, broad shoulders. The other had sharp blue eyes and a strand of pale hair stuck out of the mask. I heard Sci choke on his own breath, and I knew.

It was Nadia and her cronies.


"Dad, please!" Sci pleaded for the third time. "You have to let us go on land to find Rolland! You couldn't just leave him to die, would you?"

Captain Holdfast flinched ever so slightly, but his expression remained the same. Even so, I could tell that hurt. The Captain sighed. "Fine. You have two hours. Go."

"Thank yooouuuu," Sci was already halfway out the door of his father's cabin.

"Thank you, sir," I inclined my head then sped after Sci. I soon caught up, my heart racing. We bolted across the dock, touching land for the first time. The earth was soft under my shoes. It was strange; it was so steady. On the ship, the 'ground' was always moving. Here, on land, it didn't move at all!

We'd finally reached the village, and I slowed to walk, breathing heavily.

"Where do you think Nadia will be?" Sci asked, looking around at the mudbrick houses.

"Dunno. Her home maybe?"

"And where would that be?" It sounded like a challenge. I glanced at him, slightly alarmed.

"Uh, I don't know! Look for the fanciest, biggest hut?" I shrugged, almost embarrassed. My face went slightly pink, I felt it.

"Okay," Sci headed towards the centre of the village, to the biggest hut he could see. I followed, mightily confused.

He rapped on the door three times before it opened. In the doorframe was Nadia.

"Ah," she smirked, "I've been expecting you." Sci bit his lip, he was obviously holding back a rude outburst. Nadia motioned for us to come in and I shivered, a sense of cold dread washed through me. I don't think Sci could take it...

"Quit it! Just quit it! Give Rolland back!! We know what you did, you kidnapper!" He yelled, his fists clenched at his sides. He tensed, eyes narrowed.

Nadia laughed. And laughed. And laughed. Sci bristled with rage, and I just... stood there, shocked.

"Don't be silly, boy," Nadia mocked. "Of course, I'll free your brother..."

I waited, hesitating for a second. She couldn't be serious. There had to be more to this, right?

"...for a price," she finished. And there it was. Knew it.

"Spill, then," I hissed. She was really getting on my nerves.

"I'll cut you a deal... Rolland for your ship."

My heart sank. Give away the ship, for Rolland? I could see Sci having an inner battle. I nudged him. "Sci... I think we should tell the Captain," I whispered in his ear. He nodded.

"Alright. We'll think about it," he told Nadia, and then we both headed back to The Underneath.


I sprinted to the boat and barged into the Captain's cabin, Sci on my heels. I stood there, breathless, for a moment. Captain Holdfast stared at us.


"Nadia has a deal. The ship... for Rolland..." Sci looked at the floor, wringing his hands. The captain was silent, thinking.

"Okay then. Let's say we accept the deal," he said after a moment. I gaped. How could he agree to her terms?

"But," his eyes lingered on me for a second, "she'll soon discover she's not the only one you can play dirty."

"Wha-" I began. The Captain held up a hand for me to stop. He turned to Sci.

"Son, do you know how to work the holograms?"

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