Lover's Pond

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By the way 💭 means thoughts. 😁

Once you order you wait and talk for a bit. You get to know each other. All of a sudden "Thousand Miles" starts playing. (If you don't know what that song is it's right here)⤵️

(You): "MAKING MY WAY DOWN TOWN, WALKING FAST, FACES PASS AND IM HOME BOUND!" (Noah): "What are you doing?" *laughs* You keep dancing and singing and everyone is staring. Soon enough Noah joins in. (Noah): "Staring blankly ahead just making my way, making a way through the crowd." You keep going until the song ends. When the song ends you sit down, out of breath. All of a sudden someone starts clapping and then the whole diner is clapping. You both get up and take a bow. You sit back down and laugh. (Noah): "Wow that was great." (You): "Yeah." You both laugh. Soon enough your food comes and you eat. You finish eating, you pay, and then you go to Lover's pond. (You): "I would bring you to the other pond but that is my friends and my spot." (Noah): "It's fine. Thank you for showing me around." (You): "Oh it's no problem." You and Noah walk around. Soon you stop at a tree. You both sit down. You talk for what seems hours, it feels like you have known him your entire life. You stop talking for a bit. You look up at the stars. (You): "Wow look at how beautiful the stars look." (Noah): *mumbles* "not as beautiful as you." (You): "What?" (Noah): "I said yeah I agree with you." (You): "Oh." (You💭): Did he just say not as beautiful as you? You look at Noah, he looks at you. (You💭): He is so cute. (Noah💭): She is so cute. Noah starts leaning in, you lean in too. Soon enough your lips are on his. He pulls away. (Noah): "I'm sorry, I know we just met. I also have a girlfriend." (You): "It's fi.. Wait what???" (You💭): He has a freaking girlfriend! (Noah): "Yeah I have a girlfriend." (You): "Your kidding, right?" (Noah): " No I'm not." (You): "You know what I should leave." You get up and start walking away. (Noah): "Wait how will I get home?" (You): "Uber? I don't know." (Noah): "What is wrong, at first you were perfectly fine and now your mad." You stop. (You): "It's nothing, I just want to go home." All of a sudden it starts raining. You start walking away. You feel someone grab your shoulder. It's Noah. (Noah): "What did I do." (You): *mumbles* "have a girlfriend" (Noah): "What?" (You): "Nothing." You walk away. You start running cause of the rain and Noah was probably chasing you. You get home and run straight upstairs. (You💭): UGHHH WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME, I ALWAYS FALL HARD FOR SOMS BOYS!

Noah's POV:

What did I do wrong. We were talking they I kissed her and said I have a girlfriend. Why did I tell I have a girlfriend it's not like we talk anymore. You know what I'm breaking up with her.
Noah: Hey
Macy: Hey baby, what's up.
Noah: I'm breaking up with you.
Macy: WHAT!
Noah: I'm sorry I did this over text but I have feelings for another girl.
Macy: Whatever, I made out with Jason.
Noah: I really don't care. I think I love this girl. You can have Jason all you want.
Macy: Whatev.
I looked over at y/n's window and I saw her yelling and crying. I'm an idiot. I hope I can make her happy again.

Your POV:
Ugh what am I going to do. I have to see him when I walk to school. I just don't kn...
Your doorbell rings. You quickly run downstairs and open the door. When you open it you see Noah. (You💭): Great. (You): "Hey Noah, what do you need. (Noah): "Will you come with me?" (You): "Sure?" You follow him outside. He takes you to a spot where there is a blanket on the ground followed with some flowers, a picnic basket, 2 glasses, and around all of this there is a waterfall. (You): "What are we doing here?" (Noah): "Well I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about earlier and I know the reason why you were mad at me." (You): "And...." (Noah): "And I wanted to tell you I like you a lot, like more than a friend." (You): "Don't you have a girlfriend?" (Noah): "I broke up with her." (You): "Why?" (Noah): "Because y/n, I like you." (You): "You do?" (Noah): "Yes a lot."
Your phone starts ringing. You grab it out of your pocket, it's from your mom. You answer it.
You: Hello?
Mom: Hi honey, where are you?
You: I'm with Noah, don't worry I'm ok, I will be home soon.
Mom: Ok sweetie, see you soon.
You: Ok bye.
You hang up.
(You): "Sorry about that." (Noah): "No it's fine. Um........." He leans in and kisses you. You pull away. (Noah): "I'm sorry, I know you probably don't like me, ugh I'm so stupid, why did I think someone so beautiful could like me, ugh I bet...." you kiss him. (Noah): "Wow that got me to shut up."

To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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