Science, Fiction, Deduction Feature

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Barowski

       Just to clarify, I don't own ANYTHING. I am just a fan of these two shows and thought it would be fun to combine them. if you have any questions, let me know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        It was the 25 of October, six days before Halloween.  John Watson had just come home from a long day at the clinic. Solemnly, he climbed the stairs to the flat he shared with his roommate/boyfriend. Reaching the door, John stopped short when he heard a shuffling of feet and a door slamming (possibly the bathroom). Both confused and curious, John opened the door and walked into the empty front room.

        “Sherlock,” John called. He was met with silence so he proceeded to the kitchen to make tea.  To his surprise, the usual supply of experiment equipment was not on the table; but instead items far more interesting. On the table were a tube of deep red lipstick and a bottle of what looked like pale, almost white, foundation. By this point, John was completely dumfounded. Yes, the Yard always threw a costume party around this time, but Sherlock and he have never gone. Had Sherlock changed his mind?

               Another loud bang resounded from the bathroom; John left the make-up in the kitchen and made his way towards the origin of the sound. On his way, he stopped and looked in the bedroom, in hopes of finding his love in there. Instead, he found a large shoe box and a few shopping bags (from where he did not know).  John was almost frightened at the thought of what he might find in the bathroom.

               Luckily, he didn’t have to wait long to find out. For, while he was examining the bags, Sherlock snuck out of the bathroom and had walked towards where John was at. He was standing in the doorway when John finally turned around.

               “What the hell?” John stood facing Sherlock with his mouth open in shock. Standing before him was Sherlock bloody Holmes wearing a black corset, black pants and garter belt, black fishnets, and 12-13 centimeter sparkling black and white platform heels; plus multiple layers of make-up on his face.

               “So,” Sherlock smiled. “What do you think?”

               “I-what do I think? Sherlock, you are dressed as Dr. Frank-n-Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show!”

               “Excellent deduction, love. That is who I was going for.”

               “So, you are dressing up this year?”

               “Correction, we are dressing up this year.” John gave Sherlock a strange look at that.

               “Who on Earth am I dressing up as?” John asked, dreading the answer.

               “Well,” Sherlock smirked; his voice almost exactly like Tim Curry’s in the movie. “I’ve been, makin’ a man, with blonde hair and a tan.” With that, he made his way towards the dresser where he pulled out a pair of metallic gold converse, tight, metallic gold shorts, and a bottle of what was most likely bronzer.

               “No fucking way, Sherlock,” John growled through gritted teeth. “Am I dressing up as Rocky Horror for the Yard’s costume party!”


               Six nights later, John stood in front of the full length mirror in their room.

“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this,” John groaned, taking in the sight of him covered in bronzer and wearing nothing but the gold pants and converse. Sherlock walked up behind him, completely dressed as Frank-n-Furter, and kissed his neck.

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