Chapter 4 | My way or the highway

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I heard the announcement through the speakers. "I think that's your cue! I really hope he is cute!" teased Aditi.

I rolled my eyes as I got up "So not interested!" I replied indifferently standing up and making my way to the office.

Besides, I was just not bothered to entertain any guys in general. I aspired to be like my mom, independent and strong willed. My dad left us when I was young for another woman. He was caught red handed shagging the whore on his office table when my mom walked in on him. He wasn't even apologetic about it. My mom single-handedly raised me to be the person I am today and I am extremely proud of my mummy dearest.

All men are the same! Well those i have come across so far at least. Afraid of taking up responsibilities and commitment. Which really ticks me off and there was once I kicked a jock right in his manhood as he grabbed my wrist trying to kiss me and get my number while he was in a relationship with another girl. Jerk.

I passed by the usual guys staring, cat-calling and trying to get female attention. Ugh! Bunch of monkeys! These are the future of our prestigious St.Teresa campus?! I walked by totally oblivious to their presence while focusing on the only sound of my high heels clicking away.

"May I come in, Ms Monica?" I said softly as I saw the back figure of a boy sitting down and facing Ms Monica.

"Come in Anjali" She beckoned.

"As I've mentioned to you earlier about a new student joining us this semester. I need you to help him get settled and up to date with what Ms Tina has already taught in class. Since you are the brightest student we have, I am sure he will be up to speed in no time!" Smiled Ms Monica.

I was standing behind the guy and nodded reluctantly. Like I even had a choice. Ms Monica was once a client and a very dear friend of my mother, so I agreed to help. I was pretty annoyed that he had not once turned his head around and acknowledged me. Rude much?

"Sure Ms Monica!" I flashed the warmest smile I could muster as he stood up abruptly and brushed past me as if I was invisible. Really getting on my nerves now.

Is 'no' a feeling because that would explain what I am feeling right now. Just no.

I walked out of the office to see him standing at the opposite side looking at the notice board.

God help me.

"Hi there, my name is Anjali!" I extended my hand to him as he was still facing the board. Dude where are his manners?

Well let's try that again, my way or the highway!

"Hey Tarzan! Jane is looking for you!" I screamed.

This time he turned around as our eyes met, he had a cold gaze on me. He was tall with perfect clear skin and sharp jawline and well trimmed beard giving him a rough alpha look, his almost perfect hair and well defined big muscles. He had the body of an athlete which was visible through his tight shirt and his big glutes was just a bonus! Ok focus anjali!

"Are you done checking me out?" He spoke with a raised eyebrow snapping me out of my trance. Hot damn it, he was hot!

"Are you daniel because damn!" I stated.

I was caught so might as well go all out and play it cool.

He raised an eyebrow and I noticed his lips slightly curl up to the side.

"It's Raj and shall we proceed to class?" he said with a straight face.

"Yeah right this way." I mumbled. He may be hot but he is straight up rude, obnoxious and borderline narcissistic. Ugh! I need a cupcake.

We passed by the long corridor to our class when the jocks started whistling at me again. I ignored them and kept walking when suddenly 'Ash' the leader of the soccer team grabbed my arm and said "Hey beautiful, wanna hang out during lunch? Let's meet in the locker room perhaps?" he smirked as his friends started laughing and cheering him on.

Oh hell naw! he didn't.. Wait he did.

I felt the rage coming and I glared at him clenching my fist and before he could say another word I punched him right in the nose as he fell back covering it and screaming in pain.

"How about you take that for lunch, voldemort!" I screamed at him.

"You will pay for this!" he hissed as he ran off covering his bleeding nose.

I turned around to see Raj who just stood there looking at me. His face had no expression but I could see a small smirk curving up his lips as if he was impressed.

As we entered the classroom I could hear some gasp from the girls and a light murmur erupted instantly like wildfire.

Here we go again.

I rolled my eyes and approached Ms Tina who greeted Raj and filled her in with what Ms Monica told me. She simply nodded and asked me to head back to my seat.

Package delivered.

"OMG Anjali! He is a sex god! You better not let this one slip by.. He is so hot and handsome!" Squealed Aditi from excitement behind me.

Sigh. He is trouble and I can bet my nutella jam on it!

After a brief moment, Ms Tina announced "Class, this is our new student, Raj. I would like you all to b-" she was cut off by Raj whispering something to her. She then nodded in agreement. "Okay let's get back to our topic, Raj pick out a partner to work with as this is going to be a pair work" she announced.

The class suddenly erupted with every girl raising their hands frantically like they were drowning while the guys looked confused with their sudden reaction. The girls were hoping to catch his attention.

He casually scanned the class deciding who to pick as his partner and practically there was a whole buffet in front of him to choose from while I shifted my focus back down glancing at my notes hoping he would pick anyone but me.

Not me! Not me! Please don't!

"May I join you?" A low deep voice asked as I looked up to see him standing in front of my table.

Oh sweet cakes!


Hey beautiful souls!
If you liked this chapter, do give a vote!

Hope you will fall in love with the cuteness of Anjali! She is a total badass!


What would you like to see happen next?

Till the next chapter! Love and hugs!

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