Chapter 12 | Assignment

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I turned to look at Anjali, who seemed to have unconsciously moved a step closer to me. I smiled wanting to hold her and comfort her in my arms. She looked like an angel from heaven, beautiful beyond words. Her captivating eyes that I wanted to look at forever. The way she bit her crimson red lips made me almost want to kiss her immediately. I fought the urge and shook the thoughts away from my head.

"Shall we proceed?" I motioned towards the stairs. She looked hesitantly at the unfamiliar environment. She felt out of place, and I was unable to restrain myself anymore. I held her hands gently yet firmly and led the way.

I loved the way her tiny, delicate hands fit into my big ones perfectly.

After heading up the stairs, I could feel her trying to let go of my hands. Was I not worthy of holding her beautiful hands? My heart broke a little. I looked back at her angelic face. Thinking about what could happen to her if the guards found her wandering alone. They would see her as an intruder, a threat and shoot her without hesitation.

Just the mere thought of losing her made me afraid and I jerked her towards me holding her close to me. I wanted her in my arms. To protect her from harm's way. She made me feel the feelings I thought I could never possess before meeting her.

The time when only upon hearing her sweet voice, I stopped myself from killing that dirty bastard that touched her with his filthy hands.

The way that I have never let any girl sit on my front seat, but her being an exception as she was special, she made my heart beat, she made my dull life colorful with her heart-warming laughter.

"Fine." she said, snapping me out to reality.

I was still holding her waist. I forced myself to release her, "we are almost there." I pointed to my room at the end of the corridor.

As we walked into my room I heard her let out a tiny gasp. My heart just melted at the sight. She looked at everything like a small, adorable child in a toy store. She was mesmerized by the way my room was designed. I just crossed my arms and watched her in admiration silently like she was a poetry in motion.

"Sorry I just.. Beautiful room." she said looking back at me and softly blushing while looking down.

I walked up to her and held her chin up "You are the only thing beautiful here love, You make everything else look dull in your comparison." I whispered as her eyes twinkled with surprise and her lips parted slightly in awe.

I took a step back and smirked while walking to a door that led to my personal study. I held the door open for her and motioned her to walk in.

"This is where we will be doing our assignment. Make yourself comfortable, I will join you shortly." I told her as she stepped in while I closed the door behind her.



I was still trying to grasp his words. The bad boy had a gentle side to him that no one knew. He was a different person around me, not the cold and dangerous Raj I saw in school. He was warm, protective and really nice.

Why was he so nice towards me? Why do I feel different around him? I felt safe.

"Get a grip over yourself!" I reminded myself as he left, closing the door. I took a deep breath and looked around.

It was a big room connected with Raj's bedroom. It had french windows that showed a beautiful view of the garden below and it had a long study table and inbuilt bookshelves that were as high as the ceiling with a sliding ladder that was attached to it. It contained books of all genres. It felt surreal, he had an entire library in here.

I looked around for a while and proceeded to take a seat on the long black plush sofa that was near the window. I took out my laptop and my notes, laying them out neatly on the elegant black glass table in front of me.

I took out my phone and left a text to my mum, updating her that I am doing my assignment and would be back before dinner. I also took a few pictures of the view and the room to send it to Aditi, she would grill me if she didn't get any exclusive updates.

It was Friday and I had the weekends to complete my assignment before the summer vacation started but I liked getting my assignments done before the due date. Being punctual was one of the traits I inherited from my mum.

"Busy?" I looked up from my phone to see Raj leaning against the door frame with arms crossed over his chest with that smirk of his. So hot.

"Not really just dropping a quick message to my mom, she can get pretty worked up not seeing me when she gets home from work." I said, sliding my phone back into my pocket.

"Oh.. Alright." His smirk faded, and he seemed sad as he straightened up and looked down, scratching the back of his neck.

"Is something wrong?" I hesitantly asked, seeing his uncomfortable posture.

"Nothing, let's just start the assignment." he said, taking the seat opposite me looking through his i-pad.

I didn't ask further questions and just nodded slightly before typing away the pointers to add as I formatted and edited the page. Raj was looking and researching the assignment on his i-pad and citing for me as he made a few impressive suggestions of his own. He was clearly good at his game.

We worked like that in a synchronized and focused manner for a few hours. We were almost done as I was typing the last few sentences.

We made a great team.

"Okay and that's a wrap!'' I heaved a sigh of relief as I saved the file. "Do you want to vet it for me before I email the assignment to Ms. Tina? Since summer vacation starts next week we won't be having school anymore." I looked up as Raj was keeping his i-pad away.

"I trust you did an amazing job love, my vetting is not required plus I am starving." He said as I looked at the time and gasped.

It was almost dinner and it was already dark outside. The sun had set, I could see the stars twinkling away like diamonds in the sky.

"Oh my god! I am so late for dinner!" I groaned. I didn't notice the time as I set all my focus into completing the assignment. I quickly emailed the assignment to Ms. Tina and closed my laptop as I started gathering my scattered notes.

"Anjali.. Would you join me for dinner?" Raj asked as he stood up with pleading eyes. Oh, those dreamy eyes.

How could I turn down the sweet offer.

"Um.. Alright. Let me inform my mum." I slid out my phone to see 3 missed calls from my mum and 12 texts from Aditi. I'm doomed on both ends of the spectrum, great!

"Sure. I will just give you a moment." He walked out gently, closing the door behind him.

I called my mum, and she picked up at the first ring "Hi honey, I just got your message. I was in the court and the proceedings ended later than usual. I'm so sorry baby but I won't be home for dinner tonight. That's why I tried to call you. There is an urgent case that needs my attention now." she sighed apologetically.

"It's alright mum, I called to inform you that I will be having dinner at Raj's mansion tonight." I said calmly.

There was a brief pause as I heard my mum gasp a little.

"A-alright honey, you take care of yourself and text me when you reach home, I have some work in the office, so I will be late tonight, love you baby." she huffed as I heard some scribbling and papers flipping in the background.

"Okay, Love you mum!" I said hanging up and turning around to see Raj looking at me with soft eyes and crossed arms he seemed to be thinking about something.

"I don't like to be kept waiting, love." He smiled.


Hey beautiful souls!

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Till the next chapter! Love and hugs!

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