Caelum Chapter 20

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Caelum followed Storm out the door.

"Come quickly!" He hissed.

Caelum started to fly to keep up. Storm was leading her to the dungeons. Once they were inside, Storm pushed Caelum into a cell and locked the door.

Caelum looked at him and yelled, "What are you doing!"

Storm grabbed his face and lifted off a mask. The mask, obviously enchanted, revealed Polar, the Frost Dragon

~~~~~~Three hours earlier~~~~~~

3rd person P.O.V.

Polar started to blow ice onto the lock on the cage. It froze, and with one quick tail swipe, broke open. Polar quietly snuck out of the cell. He got lost, and ended up in a strange room.

The room had a set of masks on display. He took one of them and put it on. It turned him into the Sky Flyer, Caelum.

Looking at his new body, Polar wandered the hallways, until he found the war planning room, with Storm waiting inside.

"Something urgent came up! I need you to come with me, very quickly!" Polar said, trying to imitate the way Caelum talked. Storm gave Polar a weird look, but followed none the less.

Polar led him into the dungeons, where he shoved Storm into the cell and locked it. Storm looked at him in utter disbelief.

Polar then willed the mask to turn into Storm, and ran back to the war planning room. He shut the door and looked at all of the war plans. He saw the plans and started pacing around the room, cursing quietly to himself. He stopped when Caelum entered.

"One of them managed to escape the island. The others have already been found and imprisoned, to be executed today. Nobody will watch them die, it would be rude to cheer for death," Polar said, trying to sound smart and like Storm.

Caelum nodded. "I assume you don't need my help, so I'm going to leave," she said, already turning around.

"Actually, I do," Polar said, trying to lure Caelum into his trap.

Caelum stood there, shocked.

"Well, don't just stand there, come with me!" Polar yelled.

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