Chapter 5

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On our way home from the high school reunion, Jaehee and Seven were previously dropped off at home, and Jumin and I are on our way home. I'm currently staring up at Jumin, while he texts on his phone. "If you have something to say, just say it," he coldly says, as I jump in my seat. 

(Crap! He caught me, but the only thing I can think about right now is the envelope he gave me). "So Jumin, you know how I like music and all that?" 

"Yeah," he answers. 

"Well, I'm going to use an alias for my "Stage name" so people can't connect my music to my fashion industry. What name do you think would suit me?" (I already know his answer)

"Why not Luna?" 

"I KNEW IT!!!!!" I yell. 

"Don't yell in the car," Jumin shushes me. 

"You do know I'm in the RFA!" I shout at him.


"Remember that envelope you gave me?! Well, I knew-"

"Be quiet."

"What?" (What the hell is his problem. I'm the one who should be mad.)

"I said, "be quiet"," he reiterates. "We'll talk about this later," Jumin says without looking up from his phone. 

Once we arrive at home, we silently ride the elevator up to his room. When the elevator doors open, we walk into his room and I walk over to his desk. I sit in his office chair and cross my arms. "How did you know I was in the RFA?" I ask while looking up at Jumin. 

"Because the name 'Luna' was the name of the little girl you volunteered to take care of at the hospital."

"That doesn't mean anything," I say.

"It does when I know she died a month after you started to take care of her," he states bluntly. 

"Still, I took care of a lot of children at the hospital," I answer.

"But she was the only one who died," Jumin says while sitting on his bed. 

"ANYWAYS!! If you knew I joined the RFA, why did you pretend to be oblivious at work? And not to mention, everyday until now?" I ask, while wheeling the chair closer to his bed.

"I didn't want you to know I knew," he says while bending over to pet Elizabeth the 3rd.

"If you didn't want me to know you knew, WHY'D YOU GIVE ME THE DAMN ENVELOPE!?!?!" I stand up and shout at him. 

"It wasn't from me, the delivery man gave it to me as I walked in, and he said it was marked as important. What did it say?" Jumin looks up at me calmly. 

"It said, "I know you're in the RFA, but don't worry I'll come for you soon. Until then... Enjoy your time with everyone." But the letter didn't say who it was from. The sender space outside the envelope was marked as "Unknown"." I answer to him, as I memorized the letter word for word, for it has been stuck in my head since I first read it. 

"Didn't you mention an "Unknown" person who led you to Rika's apartment in the first place?" Jumin asks. 

"Yeah? Now that you mention it, he did sound pretty creepy after I joined. I didn't think to much of it though," (that's a lie. I thought about it nonstop). 

Jumin raises his hand to his lip and looks like he is contemplating something. "I think, you should stay at Zen's house, but don't tell him you're in the RFA," Jumin says while standing up, and searching through his phone. 

"I can't do that," I say.

"Why not?" Jumin looks down at me.

"Because- um, Zen is- um-" I try to explain, but can't seem to form words.

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