Chapter 11

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Two days have passed and it is now the day before the party. I am currently sitting backstage, while taking off my makeup, when I feel someone wrap their arms around me and kiss my cheek. 

"Ew, you taste like makeup," I look up at Zen and see him wipe his mouth. 

"Heheh, you shouldn't lick me then," I laugh. 

"What can I say? Kissing you with tongue is so much fun," Zen smiles and I feel my cheeks burst bright red. 

"STOP TEASING ME!!!!!!!" I shout while throwing my makeup wipe at him. 

"Hahaha! But it's almost as much fun as kissing you!" Zen laughs. 

"Stop it!!!!" I playfully punch his arm, and he smiles brightly. 

"Okay okay, I promise to stop teasing you... For now," Zen says before stealing the rest of my makeup wipes and running away.

"HEY!!! I wasn't done with those," I shout at him.

A couple hours later, Zen and I are at his house. I am currently laying on the couch while I finish reading the rest of the emails from our guests. 

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Zen asks, as he is making a cup of coffee. 

"Not really," I answer. 

"You should be, this is your first RFA party," Zen says while sitting on the couch across from me. 

"I know, but there's just so much going on. I don't know how you're able to handle all of this," I say while turning off my phone and placing it on the coffee table. 

"To be honest, I'm not very good at handling these things," Zen responds. 

"Then how are you always so calm?" I ask. 

"It's because I have you," Zen smiles and I feel my cheeks blush lightly. 

"That's sweet, but really, I wish I could be as calm as you," I look up at the ceiling.

"Rein," I hear Zen's voice then feel his warm hand on my cheek. I sit up on the couch, and Zen tightly hugs me. "I love you," Zen says, and I hug him back.

"I love you too," I say. 

"Everyone is going to love you tomorrow, just like I do. I know it, so just calm down, alright?" Zen says softly in my ear. 

"Okay, I will," I answer, and he slowly pulls away. 

"Okay, I'm going out on my motorcycle, so I'll be back later," Zen says. 

"It's 9:30, where could you possibly be heading this late at night?" I ask. 

"Outside," Zen smiles before closing the door behind him. 

"Oh really, I had no idea!" I shout before standing up from the couch and walking into Zen's room. 

I quickly grab a change of clothes, then walk into the bathroom and turn on the hot water. About a half hour later, I turn off the  water and step out of the shower. As soon as I go to take another step, I slip on the wet tile, and catch myself before I hit my left eye on the edge of the counter, again. I quickly dry myself off and change into my clothes. When I leave the bathroom, I see someone's shadow coming from the doorway of Zen's bedroom. 

I quietly walk up to the door, and peek into the living room. I feel my eyes widen, as I see a face I haven't seen in a very long time. "Rein, is that you?" I hear the man's voice, and I slowly open the door. I look up at him and I see him smile down at me. 

"Jihyun?" I ask, and he looks down at me. "Y-you can't see me, can you?" I ask. 

"Barely, but I can," he answers. 

"I... I'm sorry," I look down at the floor. 

"Why?" V asks. 

"Because, I wasn't there for you when Rika died," I say quietly. 

"It's alright, Rein," V says. 

"No, it's not. You left, you became distant to everyone. And when everyone was asking me to step in, I too became distant," I say and my eyes begin to water. 


"The time when everyone needed me most, and all I could do was quit my leading role, and step down to crew. Yoosung, I didn't go to his graduation; Zen, I didn't perform with him on stage; Jaehee, I stopped talking to her about the musicals; Seven, I stopped playing games with him; Jumin, I wasn't by his side when he was mourning Rika's death, meanwhile father was getting a divorce on my mother; and you... Jihyun, I stopped caring... I'm so sorry," I fall to my knees and start crying. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't help you Jihyun," I apologize.

"It's alright, I forgive you. And so has everyone else," I feel Jihyun's hand on my shoulder. 


"You just have to forgive yourself," Jihyun says while lifting up my bangs. 

"I'm sorry," I say while wiping away my tears. 

"You haven't changed, Rein," Jihyun says before standing up. He then takes my hand and forces me to stand up. "You still cry whenever you see me," he says as he smiles. 

"Jihyun, you- you haven't changed either," I smile lightly. 

"Your smile is the only thing that has changed about you," Jihyun says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. 

"It's not as bright," I feel my eyes widen, and he holds up my eye patch. "I found this on the coffee table. You should wear it, so your eyes don't end up like mine," Jihyun says while tucking one of the straps under my hair. 

"Alright," I say, as I put the eye patch on over my left eye. "Anyways, how did you get in?" I ask. 

"Jumin gave me a key," he answers. 

"What!?! How'd he get a key!?!" I shout. 

"He says he made a copy from the key he found in your desk," Jihyun explains. 

"What a jerk!!!!" I say. 

A couple minutes later, V and I are sitting on the couch together. "Are you ready for the party tomorrow?" Jihyun asks. 

"No, not really. Are you?" I ask. 

"Yes, I'm excited to see everyone again," V says. 

"That's good," I respond, while looking down at my cup of tea. When I do, I feel V's hand on my shoulder, then I hear the door burst open. 

"WHERE IS HE!?!?!!!" I hear Zen yell and he freezes in the door way when he sees V touching my shoulder. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL!!!!!!" Zen yells as he runs up to me and pulls me off the couch by my shoulders. I end up spilling my tea on my shirt, and V just stares at us blankly.

"Zen... you're overreacting," I say. 

"Oh, sorry! I didn't even realize what I was doing," Zen smiles awkwardly while scratching his neck. "It's nice to see you again, V!" Zen says and V stands up. 

"Yes, it is very nice to see you too, Zen," V smiles. 

"It's getting late, would you like me to call Driver Kim to take you to your hotel?" I ask. 

"No need, I'm staying with Jumin for tonight," V says while walking over to the door and taking his jacket. "Have a good night, you two," V says before quickly closing the door behind him.

"He didn't even give me a chance to say bye," Zen says. 

"Zen... you're too protective," I say. 

"Can you blame me? You're pretty naive after all," Zen smiles. 

"AND YOU AREN'T!!?!?!" I ask. 

"No, I'm an adult," Zen says. 

"So am I!?!" I shout. 

"Haha! You're so cute!" Zen laughs. 

"Don't change the subject!!!" My cheeks blush lightly, and I cross my arms. 

"Awwwww~~~" Zen continues to tease me. 

"Damn it, Zen! You're so embarrassing!!"

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