Chapter 2- Zanex-Dirty little secret

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I woke up and felt something heavy leaning beside me. It didn't click at first but there was someone beside me. "Wh-what?" I said quietly. "O-oh hey Demi" my words seemed to hang a little bit longer than usual because of my tired state. Demetrius grougled then turned his head to Zanex's, "hey" he said tiredly. "I didn't see you come in" I said, clearly more awake than he was. Demitrius smiled slightly before yawning, "clearly" He said. I looked at him and laughed Demetrius chunkled before laying back down and closing his eyes "sorry if I woke you" he said lightly, the usual slightly dorky smile on his face. I smiled at him.

There was a slight bit of silence before we talked again, giving me some time to think. I felt my gut start to hurt a bit when I thought of Demi, he was so cool, and calm, and kind- and NO! I'm not aloud to think that way! He's me friend! Completely platonic. I definitely do not want to kiss his face right now and have him hold me in his arms. God what's wrong with me! Uhg! I can't handle this anymore.

I got up quickly and went to the bathroom to think things through a bit. Okay, okay, so you like your best friend, he is a boy and you know that. Okay great, simple sentences, you also want to have a non platonic relationship with him. Okay... you don't think he likes you back. And your parents would kill you if they found out, they'd kill me or... disown me... or maybe even torture me, send me to a gay camp to "pray the gay away" . god I can't do this.

Demi sat up and looked towards the bathroom "hey man, are you okay?" he asked already sounding more awake.

I realize that I had left the bedroom without explaining myself. Should I tell him what's wrong? Maybe i'll just tell him I had to take a piss. "Yeah man, I just had to pee" I then told him. I walk back into the room and lay down beside him.

Demi smiled at me before laying back down as well. I sighed slightly and tried to push away the thoughts until I was awake to properly think it through

"We actually going to go to bed again?" Demi asked, looking over at me, using his elbow/hand to keep his head up. " I mean, I'm kinda awake now, so I guess not. Whatcha wanna do?" I asked kinda hoping he didn't want to sleep either. "Okay good" he replied as that same smile spread across his face. "Um... im not sure... we could go out and explore a bit before your parents are up and find me here. We all know how they feel about poor kids... or we could just hang out here and talk a bit" Demi suggested and sat up again. " wanna go to the trash pile near the ground level? As kids we used to love going there and hanging out... it's really been a really long time hasn't it?..." I responded kinda with a distant look by the end.

"It really has... wow... i think we should" he said, his smile going from a little dorky to a bit sad. Demi then got up fully and stretched "wasnt that trash pile where we met?" I thought about it for a moment. " yeah... yeah! That's right! Cause your mom was yelling and so you ran off, I was already there remember? God..." I said, it was such a long time ago I nearly forgot.

Demi looked down, his smile getting even sadder "yeah i remember... we were- well i was at least- eight..." demi remembered the day all too well. Yes it brought him his now best friend, but it's also the reason he's down on the lower levels. You see, it was a week after that that his mother had gone into the hospital, so all there money went towards her and getting her better again, but in the end it was pointless because she died about 5 years later, leaving him and his little sister by themselves, well until his sister went and found their dad and started living with him instead (that rich bastard).

" yeah... I think we should head out if we wanna be there for more than an hour" I said getting up and jumping through the window onto the house below. Even though I had done this time and time again my mind raced at the thought of the sunset and him... and Demi. my feelings were clear but knew i couldn't act on them. I waited for him at the bottom. Demi watched me before laughing lightly and jumping out after me.

We made our way to the hideout and walked in by ducking under some old car frames. It was a nice little area with some comic books and a few old pillows. Demi smiled and sat down before coughing from all the dust that escaped the pillow from his weight. I laughed and sat next to him, picking up a comic book and flipping through the pages. " I love this place, we made a lot of memories." Demi put an arm around me and peered over my shoulder to look at the comic book. "We really did" he said with a deep throated chuckle. I felt really comfortable in his arms and smiled widely. " so..." I said not wanting to start a new conversation. Demi ruffled my red hair like he always did as he read the comic from over my shoulder.

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