Chapter 1: Spirit committee

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Another day at school and another day of completely being ignored.

I walked down the hallway checking my camera to see if it was working and adjusted the quality. "Move it Nobody!" I was pushed into the lockers as some cheerleaders walked past. "Shesh Nobodies these days need to know there place, bitch is lucky I didn't break a nail." They walked off.

I grabbed my camera off the floor and checked the lense, luckily it wasn't broken. Suddenly a dark shadow appeared below me and I looked up to see The Genesis standing in front of me. The one in the front, Lexi Davis, handed me the books that fell out my bag. "Um thanks." I said hesitantly as I took the books from her.

"Is it broken?" She asked.


"Your camera, is it broken?"

I put the lense cap on and shook my head while wiping off my clothes with the other hand, "No its fine."

"That's wonderful." She seemed so happy it nearly sickened me. Rumors seem to be true about The Genesis being weird. "Hey if you want to put your camera to good use why don't you help the spirit committee gather shots for the yearbook?"

"I wouldn't say I'm that good to take shots for the committee..."

"Non sense, have faith in yourself and people will have faith in you." That line sounded more creepy then encouraging by the way she said it. "Ta Ta Clare Denerio." They all walked off in sync.

"Wait..." But they had already walked into class, "How did you know my name?"

A girl behind me snorted, "The Genesis knows everyone at school, one time they even helped me reach the high books in the library." Her name was Madeline, and the only reason I know this is because she's also one of the many Nobodies in the school, she wasn't even able to hang with the nerds.

She had braces, long hair that's usually in pigtails, and bifocals that she constantly pushes up every 5 seconds. Not to be stereotypical but she definitely had the looks of a nerd and with her nasal problems I'm shocked I didn't see her on those old school high school TV shows. "Oh hey." I put my camera in it's case and walked to class and of course Madeline followed right behind me.

"Do you know this girl named Danielle died just the other day, she used to sit with us during freshman year remember?" Danielle...didn't ring a bell but who really remembers Nobodies, not even Nobodies remember Nobodies. "Well she died on the highway, people say somebody from school had crashed into her and..."

"That's nice Madeline but if you don't mind, I have class." I walked into science which luckily she didn't have with me anymore because she was too advanced for the class, not to be mean having her as a lab partner did have its perks but gosh was she annoying. I get that being a social outcast got you a pass into free gossip but I couldn't care less about what happens at school, as long as I pass, go to college and get as far away from this town as possible.

At lunch I decided to take the weird Genesis girls up on their offer and go to the spirit committee. When I went inside they we eating lunch from the cafeteria and talking about the yearbook categories. The people in these groups were known as The clubers, basically anyone who's really dedicated to their club, not really clever but then again who made these clicks anyway?

Everyone stopped and stared at me, they noticed my camera around my neck. "You here for the photography job?"

"Is the slot taken?"

One guy walked up to me, he was tall, about 6 feet, dark skinned, and had a dark ceaser hair cut. "Your the girl who attends the photography club right, the club with only 2 Nobodies right."

My body became inflamed, I heard people call me a Nobody many of times but the fact that someone unpopular said it so calmly aggravated me. "That's me..."

He smiled, "We were just talking to Lexi about you, I'm assuming she asked you to come here." He called a girl over.

She had short black hair and wore glasses. "First we need pictures of the community, teams such as cheerleaders and jocks, nerds, Genesis girls, and lastly The Stars. " The stars were basically the most popular group in school with The Genesis and the cheer quad plus jocks being tied for second. The Stars threw all the party, started all the gossip, decided what was cool, etc.

The guy smiled, "Good luck, names T.C by the way. You?"

"Me?" I asked confused.

"He's asking for your name." A guy said who sat at the table stuffing his mouth with some fries.

"Oh my name's Clare."

"Nice to met yeh Clare."

"Now off you go, we need hose pictures this week or your out the club got it?"

The girl seemed super serious and scared me kinda. I nodded and walked to the door. T.C opened it for me. "Don't worry about Jennifer she's a organize freak, everything needs to be perfect with her. You'll do best to get things done on time."

"She has OCD?"


"Never mind. "

He laughed, "I like you Clare, your funny."

I blushed a little, "Um thanks."

He grinned, "Not much of a talker are you? I can tell because you don't take compliments well."

"And because I'm a Nobody."

He chuckled, "Yeah that too."

"T.C let's go and stop flirting with the Nobody."

"Aw quiet Joseph, I ain't flirting." He turned back to me, "Well for the record, I don't think your a nobody. " He closed the door leaving me on the other side speechless,  I never had someone hit on me before. I tried to not over think it and I went to the photography club room.

"Hey mimi." She was in the middle of reading a book with a weird title that looked like Egyptian writing. I tossed my bag on the table and noticed a picture on it. I looked closer and seen a picture of a large house. "Hey mimi do you know who left this?" She looked up and shook her head before turning back to her reading. The picture looked like a old school photo, light brown in color. I turned the picture over and on the back there was words on it written in script. The words were sloppy but I was able to make it out, it said... I lived before I died, find the truth beneath the house. This isn't Samel... "What is this?" I asked myself. On the bottom left corner there was more writing that said: Look to the past.

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