Young brat!

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The second boy that idolized was 2 years younger than me. I can't believe that I fall for a little kid younger than me. I was 10 years old that time and he was 8. The reason I like about him is that again he has the spiky hair and it suit his face and also he has a naked eyes. At that time, I was one of the discipline students. So, it kind of give me some advantages. Every morning before the bell rang, students had to do some cleaning in the school and we the discipline committees were assigned to keep on an eye at the students. The first time I met him is when me and my friend Sona got assigned to keep an eye on second and third graders. He was a really playful and also a naughty boy that pretends to do work. I don't even know why I like this boy. He was nothing but a bad boy that likes to tease and bullied his friends. There is one moment I suddenly offer him a chewing gum. Ughh!! Seriously, I even do that! My gosh!! Everyday at rest time I always take my friend Sona to his class and the excuse was to play with our friends there. When I think back again, I made a fool of myself.

Day by day I went to his class repeatedly until one day my other classmates who were living in the same neighborhood as that boy got suspicious on me and Sona. The rumors about me had crushed on someone at the third grade were spread among my classmates. So, that is why they started following us and it turns out that I had crushed on their own cousin. After that incident, I stopped went to his class and I also stop liking him because I got tease a lot after that.

When I was in fifth grade, my class were on the same hallway as his class. So whenever I went to toilet or rest, I will always walk through his class because before my class is his class. I don't have any special feeling towards him at that time already but he is the one that started to kind of like to disturb me and of course with his other three cousins who were my own classmates. I always ignore them and there is this one time there is something incident happen in his class. It turned out to be that there was someone had an episode of seizure and it was him. When me and my friends went to the class, the class was already fulled with people and Mr. Gee our language teacher walked out from the class holding him like a princess. Then, they went to the nearer hospital. At first, I was in shocked and I never knew that he will be someone that had sick since child. I heard from his three cousins that he will had a seizure when he can't control his anger.

One year had passed again and now I'm 12 years old. That three cousins of fool still can't move on with my love puppy'story. Ahh, I had enough with them already! When will they move on. Again my class still beside that boy's class. In the quiet morning, two boys were fighting over..I'm not sure what they were fighting and that boy happen to be him that fighting. They were many students were watching them including students from other class. Well for me, I don't even care about that stuff and just walk straight to my class before the class started. All of the sudden, I heard a screaming and it was Madam Hae the Math's teacher. Again, that boy having a seizure and was taken to the main hospital. After that, all the students went back to their own class including me. At that time, my eyes was watery and I had to brushed off with my hand. Then, one of that three fool cousins saw it and assume that I was sad at that boy. I'm like what??!!!.. How can he easily assume me like that. Then, another rumor had started in my class.

After the incident happen yesterday, the three fools cousins handed me a letter and they says it was from that boy. They were really a fool if they thought that I will believe them. It was so really damn ridiculous to believe that the boy will write me a love letter for all of the sudden. Even though I didn't believe what they were saying, I still read it at that night. When I read it, I already know the handwriting belongs to. Why? Because I have this kind of habit that like to see my classmates handwriting to know them. So, I know it was one of the three fools cousin's handwriting. Besides, I had sneakily saw that boy's handwriting at my aunt's place. My aunt is his classroom teacher and the students always send their work to her. So, I know his handwriting. The letter says

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