Chapter one - Easier than expected

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This is it. . .

North Hagridtingings high school. 

Flipping open my phone, I grin scanning over Scotts features. He is a good looking guy and oddly enough his eyes seemed to lure me in. Shouldn't be a problem for me though. My training has taught me not to fall for anyone. Love makes you weak and at a time like this I need to be as strong as possible.

Shoving the phone in my pocket I head for the school gates. People stopped and stared. I knew that it may be hard to hold the image of a 16 year old since that was 3 years ago but come on, I didn't look that old. Sure I had more of an edge to my features making me stand out against the average teenage boy but if you play the part right I should do just fine. 

Ignoring curious glances and the odd whisper I enter the school hall way in search for the princeples office almost finding it immediately. Knocking on the door I heard the shuffling of paper before I was allowed to enter. Sitting behind the oak desk was non other than Derevux.

Well he had to have a cover job some where.


Whew my acting skills are on fire today. Derevux didn't seem to have a clue who I was and I am determined to keep it that way. Taking out my phone I sent a message to sir "Guess who happens to be the princeple of North Hagridtingings high school. Yes, you guessed it. Derevux. Its fine though, he doesn't suspect a thing. I mean this is my first real mission. He cannot have seen me around. Can he?"

With that, I closed my phone and head to first period.


This day keeps getting better and better. I enter the science lab to see that Scott is in the same lesson as me. This is too easy that I'm begining to think sir over looked this mission. The teacher told me to sit at the back which was oppisate from Scotts table. I made my way over stopping at Scotts table to ask for a penicl. Now that I think about it maybe sir asked me to do this mission because I was the only male assassin to be gay. At least I think I'm the only one. . . 

Scott handed me the penicl with a trembling hand that it nearly had me chuckling. Maybe he is gay too? I'll have to ask sir to find out for me.

"Thanks" I grin at him before walking to my desk and take a seat, not paying attention to a word the teacher utters as I stare at the back of Scott planning my next move.


Lunch time came round quickly and I knew this was my first chance to get to talk to Scott other than in class to get to know him more. Get closer, closer to his father. 

Entering the lunch room I search around for Scott and spot him on a table with a few friends parked next to him. Taking an apple from the cafeteria fruit bowl I head over to him and sit down beside him "Hey" I smile at him. Biting into the apple, I wait for a reply.

"Uh hi" he stutters unsure of why I am sitting next to him. Unless. . . I think thats the reason. I glance around the table and say "Mind if I sit here?" everyone is fine with it. I turn to Scott and say "You don't mind do you?" he shakes his head and I smile looking him over. How I was getting close to him I'll never know. Unless. . .

Being the straight forward guy I am I ask Scott "Hey Scott, would you like to go out after school? I'd like to get to know everyone, why not start with you?" he seems unsure but after a seconds thought he agree's  immediately knowing he may not get a second chance. Which, of coure he will. I mean he is the son of Derevux. We need him.

The bell rang signaling us that lunch was over. I told Scott I'd meet him at him locker after school. I had a better idea of were we could hang out. His house. It was the perfect oppurtunitie to search for information on Derevux and see if Scott was involved as well. I knew he wasn't. I could feel it but I had to make sure to protect all the innocent people out there.


Leaning on Scott's locker I waited for him to come out off class. He told me he would meet me here and I was expecting for him to do just that. Hearing footsteps I turn around and grin as Scott comes in to view. Maybe this would be fun. For now. . . I don't think Scott would want to see me ever again if he knew what I was planning and going ahead with.

I had told Scott my name was James, 16 transferred from a school that just wasn't working for me. He believed me and now here I am keeping that roll up. I nearly told him my real name; Dimitri. We couldn't have that happening now could we? At least not until his father is dead.

"Hi" Scott mumbles opening his locker to take a few books out and replacing them with a few other. He shuts his locker and I smile "So were shall we hang?" He shrugs looking at the ground "I don't know" I nod "Hey how about we go to your place? I mean- We don't have to" he shakes his head "No, that is fine. Lets go" Grinning I follow him out in to the parking lot and make my way to my car. "Whoa" I hear him take an in take of breath and I grin "I know" sliding into the passager seat, he does the same "How did you afford this?" the real answer to that question was that sir had gotten it for me when I crashed the last one in a past mission but the response given "My father- uh gave it to me before he passed away" I felt tears brink to the rim of my eyes and blink them back. No, I cannot cry.

Scott's voice brings me back to reality "Oh, I'm sorry" I turn to face him and smile lightly "Its fine, he left the world a good man" I start up the car and pull out of  the parking lot "What about your mother?" he asks "Away on business" I mutter turning on the radio

"Mind telling me where I'm going?"

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