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The point where ice melts
It was the same point she was trying his insides to reach to melt his fozen heart.

The same heart that froze from the storm that came in his life when she left him alone 2 years back .



He was ignoring me like he ignored me that day.

I ran past him and blocked his way

"Please Andro atleast listen to me once!!! Please!!"

He looked into my pleading eyes
His stare was no longer comforting or loving like before instead it was the one which could make a child piss his pants.

Next I know he harshly grabbed my wrist and pushed me inside a room beside closing the door behind with a thud.

I was pushed into the room and I would have landed straight on the ground if the sofa hadn't broken my fall.

My wrist felt like burning from his tight grip
I could see red handprints on my wrist
I held my right wrist with my left hand trying to soothen the burning pain.

His eyes held no remorse ,no guilt
Nothing except anger

Was the only word he spoke but on hearing the hate in them I forgot all the words of forgiveness I formed in my head,I forgot all apologies I had in line for him

"I......I....just...........I just wa...nt forgivenes.....I know what I did ...back then was wrong.....I was wrong....I was selfish....I lied.....I broke your trust...I broke your heart...
You were never wrong were always loyal ...but I was not..
I am really sorry for what all I did...

He laughed
Yes he laughed at me mocking my pure intention and apology.

"What happened to the money I gave Sapphire?? You spent it all didn't you?And now when you need more you are again back here...begging for forgiveness so that I believe your white lies and trust you again.
You thought why not ask for forgiveness,mend his broken heart and marry him....
By this I will never fell short of money
Andro is so madly in love with me that I will play him on my fingers and he will not even know .."

He took dangerous steps towards me

I continued to shake my head in a no telling him that he is getting me wrong.

" I will toy with his feelings just like I did before"

He was too close to me..his eyes had so much hate that I wanted to hide from his eyes forever

"No are getting me wrong!"

"No Saphire this is the first time I am getting you right.....
You are what you were 2 years back .
A bloody gold digger!!"

He turned around to leave but I was fast to stop him

I gripped his left arm with both my hands making him stop

"I will do anything for your forgiveness....just please give me a chance......I...I can't live without you Andro......just please...."

Teardrops escaped my eyes and landed on his arm

"Fool me once shame on you Sapphire but fool me twice shame on me, Your tears can't fool me any longer "

Alessandro has moved on in his life
He has long forgotten me
And he was right
This world forgets people like me

They always do

After all I was a dark piece of charcoal    used as fuel everyday to meet daily needs while she is a shining diamond worn rarely to flaunt beauty, elegance and wealth.

This piece of charcoal may have dirtied your hands with it ashes but it will also make sure to give you light in the darkest of night.

I will give you light Andro even if I have to burn down to ashes for it.

After all you were born in royalty destined  to shine and I was born in slums destined to die in darkness.

The Innocent Reject (Sample)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now