Mafia Romance

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Thank u sooo much everyone for your votes and support on my writings

I am starting a new book
Completely different from this one but equally interesting

Hope you give it a try

It's titled -Nerds a mafia princess,A secret to be kept
And is truly full of mysteries and secrets


The man hoding her harshly pushed her to the ground and she landed on the velvety carpet

The specs fell from her face and her blonde hair curtained her face from the scrutinizing eyes of the bystanders

"She is the one boss.."
Said the man who was holding her earlier

A sound of mocking laughter was heard and next she knew her chin was grabbed by rough hands

She was forced to look up at a man double her size
His smoky breath was breathed out at her and she cringed when the smell of carcinogen entered her sense receptors

He looked scary with tattoos highlighting his arms and arrogant smirk lingering on his face.

"Mike man you should be more gentle with her......I bet she is so scared that she is ready to piss on the carpet"
Loud sounds of laughter were heard echoing her ans she felt scared after a very long time.

She guessed that the man bruishing her chin was the boss but she was proved wrong when a cold voice made everyone shut up.


One single word he spoke but the coldness and authority in his voice was enough to make the room silent and the person to leave her chin and move back from her

" boss.."

She continued looking at the floor moving her hands frantically around her pretending to find her specs when she could already see them.

Her hands stopped when a pair of shining black shoes came into her view

"Mike ..What did she saw ?"

His cold voice was now coming from above her making her wish the ground to swallow her

"..Ehhh sh..e saw me ..killing him boss..."

As soon as he completed his sentence a loud bone breaking sound was heard and a body landed next to her on the ground
She looked on her side to see the man who bought her here holding his jaw in his hands and drops of blood landing on the carpet.

Shock filled her eyes and her heart started beating faster.

She gathered enough courage and looked up

What she saw made her beating heart stop for a second

There he stood
The most dangerous and handsome man in the world
The king who killed without mercy and lived without a heart
Her long forgotten dark past was standing there looking at her with his cold black orbs

He didn,'t recognised her no one could
But she could never forget him

After all he was her first love
Her ex finance

The mafia king

Daniel kingston

Thank you once againWriting is creativity but true fun lies in reading and connecting to the main leadsWhen you forget yourself,your worries and your world and go live in the stories illusionary world then my friends does the actual fun begins

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Thank you once again
Writing is creativity but true fun lies in reading and connecting to the main leads
When you forget yourself,your worries and your world and go live in the stories illusionary world then my friends does the actual fun begins...

So keep reading and enjoying...

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