My Happy Family

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Chapter 18

A few years later

Arabella's POV

My eyes opened to the sound of my little Eros screaming for me. A groan left my lips as I sat up, my head craning to my left to see Axton still passed out, facing away from me. Ever since Eros has been born, we've been drifting apart. We are either taking care of our son, or dealing with Alpha duties.

Sighing, I got up and slowly made my way to Eros's room across the hall. As soon as I entered, he stopped crying and just sat there, staring at me. Eros has been growing quite fast, and is already 3 years old.

"Good morning baby." I murmured, scooping him out of the crib and into my arms.
"Morning momma." He garbled back, making me smile. His little arms wrapped around my neck as I carried him out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. I put Eros in his high chair before turning away to get some cubed fruit, more specifically, watermelon. It's his favorite food ever.

As I turned to face my son again, I was surprised to see Axton stumbling down the stairs. He never gets up with us..

He stared at my confused expression and his face dropped, casting his head down. "Ara-"
"It's fine." I croaked, turning away and cutting the fruit of a little bit more, just to distract myself.

"Arabella." His voice was cold as he called for me, his tone made me whirl around and glare at my mate.
"Don't. Just don't." I hissed, shoving the bowl of fruit in his hands. "We don't spend any time together anymore, ever since Eros was born, I don't even know you."

"You do know me! And I know you baby." He whispered, holding my hand gingerly.

"What's my favorite color then?"

"Purple." He said quickly, nervously biting his lip.

"Wrong." I chuckled, my face contorting with anger. "Try again."


"Wrong again. It's red." I turned and made my way up the stairs, tears welding in my eyes.

I love you Axton, believe me. But we don't know each other anymore.


It is the day after our argument, I had spent the whole day in Eros's room after Axton put him down for a nap,
and I fell asleep in the rocking chair in his room.

I woke up to someone shaking me, that someone was Weston, thank god.

The look on his face made my stomach drop, and I whipped my head over to see Eros gone.

"Where is he?" I asked in a hoarse voice, looking back at my twin brother. "Where did Axton take Eros."

"The town closest to us Ara, he's destroying everything." Weston whispered, helping me up from the chair. As soon as I was on my feet I turned and bolted down the stairs and out of the house.

Axton has my baby. He could hurt him.
Hurry! Cloud howled desperately. Mate, Mate is going nuts!


I sprinted to the town, which took about half an hour, but I was pumped with adrenaline so I hardly felt anything. As I entered the town, I saw fire everywhere. Water was covering the streets, maybe some gas too. He went psychotic!

People ran towards me, which told me where Axton was located instantly.
I ran into a large mall, which was halfway destroyed on the inside and on fire. The only thing I could focusing on were the screams and cries of a baby. My baby.
I shoved rubble away, making my way through the mall to one of the stores, ToysRUs. Of course.

"Eros!" I called out desperately, my fingers gripping a broken railing.
"Momma!" I heard his small voice call back, it was close too.

Relief flooded through me as I dodged and weaved my way through the toy store, to find my son in the legos isle. He was standing there, his blue eyes wide with fear. "Momma.."

I scooped Eros up in my arms and hugged him to my chest, a relieved sigh leaving my lips. "I'm here honey, I'm here. I'll protect you. Can you tell me where daddy is?"

"Right here." I heard Axton's deep voice ring out, making me spin on my heels. He stood about a car length away from me, this devious smirk on my face. "I'm still the same person Ara. The same evil person."

"You aren't evil." I said softly, my grip on Eros loosening enough so he could look at his father. "Please, Stop."

"It's too late Ara." He cackled, holding his arms out and spinning. "I'm free from this life. I'm free from you!"

"W-What?" I stuttered out, tears gathering in my eyes. Eros gripped onto my neck tightly, sensing my emotions. "Axton, I don't-"

"Understand?" He finished for me, that smirk on his face still. "Oh honey. I'm not meant to be with you."


"I, Axton Pierce, reject you, Arabella Bay-" Those words hit me like a bag of bricks because I fell to my knees, luckily my grip on Eros tightened and he wasn't hurt. A sob left my lips as I looked up at my mate, who had stopped speaking, this look of hurt in his eyes as he watched me.

"Eros." I whispered. "Go to daddy."
He gave me a nervous look before toddling away from me and to Axton, gripping onto his leg carefully.

"Now you can finish it." I croaked. "And I'll leave. I'll kill myself so you won't have to deal with me."


"Do it damnit!"

My eyes squeezed shut, and instead of him continuing the rejection, he walked forward and crouched in front of me. "Arabella, I'm so sorry. I would never do that to you, I don't know what came over me."

I looked up to see Eros sitting on Axton's knee, both of my boys staring down at me.

"If our relationship is to continue Axe, we need to bond again." I whispered, picking my head up. "I need to trust you again."



Axton spent all his time for the next few years gaining my trust and love back. He was patient with me, and we raised Eros together.

That was 12 years ago.

Axton and I are happily married, with our 6 kids.

in order, we have;

Eros (eldest, male, Alpha To Be Age 15 almost 16)

Persephone (second eldest, female, age 13)

Riley & Tate (twins, one male/one female, both age 10)

Harvey (male, age 6)

Lyric (female, age 4)

And one on the way.

My life is great now, and I'm complete. My happy family.


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