I had art first period so I didn't see Jeff until the end of the day. I could still see the closes in my art work if I looked hard enough. But when I try to look at anything now it all seems gray. I guess that's the prise someone pays for losing their innocence.
I didn't see Jeff until the final period of the day. When I did he seemed....off. At first I thought he was faking joy so no one so people didn't knew of the crime that he did. He was enjoying himself. It wasn't because he was glad to be at school I could tell that much from him. The smile he wore looked sickening to me. It was a smile of a mad man.
The second that bell rang I ran out those doors as fast I as could. No one but me knew what Jeff really was.... a freak.
The next day seemed to be passing without incident at first then I saw the police car in front if Jeff's house. 'looks like they got you' I thought to myself. Nobody could have gotten away with something like that. You know with neighborhood watch and everything.
But I was wrong with who they arrested. Instead of coming out the jeff like I expected they would the police came out with Lou his brother. I was barely forming the thought of jeff framing his brother. But then Jeff came running out of the house yelling at lou "LOU TELL THEM I DID IT!"
I was able to hear hum this time because the front door was open to my house. I could hear what Lou said in reply to Jeff's out burst, but it was definitely not what jeff wanted to hear.
A few seconds later the police left with Lou and jeff was sitting outside with his mother. A moment past and Jeff's mother went inside leave him in the sidewalk. All though I couldn't hear him all the way across the street u could tell that he was crying. But who wouldn't be in that situation.

Jane The Killer
FanfictionListen the only reason I am going out of my way to tell any of you this is because the story of "Jane the Killer" is starting to piss me the fuck off.