the note

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why here why at this town why did my dad have to get a new job its not fair i hate him so much i say inmy head crossing my arms being pretty pised off i look out the window to see a huge huge school wow "mom is that ware i going to school" saying a bit more exited "yes your dad knew you were not going to like moveing so we got you in rolled in the best school on canvis."  she says looking back "oh cool" i sigh looking away i look at my bag grabing my book opening it but i put it down i grab the paper that had the note from my best friend that i moved away from "you want the window down" my mom asks but i could  not hear her then my paper slips off my lap and out the window "shit i mean no mom" i jump up trying to grab it but it was gone i look to see it flot through the air tears slip down my face "sorry hun" she says looking back "im fine" i wipe my face and look away puting my book in my bag looking away.

we finaly arive at my new house though its was not that far from the school it just felt like forever i grab my suircass and slam the car door "hey watch you atatude" she says though i just walk away i open the door to the large house i walk in and look around "wow" there was a huge shandeler above the dining room table and i travle to the living room the bright none staned green carpit and the huge couch and a glass table i walk around a little and i notice a peice of paper on a large door in the next room i walk in and take the paper "sorry we had to move love you baby girl" the note said from dad i snicker and open the door but i could not even breath the room was huge the  window was small but there was a window bed and the real bed was coverd with a celing sheet and it came down like a queens bed and it was black i walk over to see the covers for the bed had dark blue with red roses driping down them as it coverd the cover the pillows were black with red outlineing i looked on the carpit was light gray with black poke-o-dots and the walls were light blue and the celing had a moon and stars on it but i noticed another note it was high up "that the" i question i clenche the metle rale on my bed and climb up it i see a bar on the wall i grab on and pull it opend up to a lader as i saw hucks on it and i look up and see a lege in the cornor of my celing/wall it had two holders for the lader "cool" i reach over and huck the lader to the holders leting me climb up i sit on the lege still cant reach the note i strech my leg out *drop* i hear a noice and see a little button i look up and see a brige to another lege right near the letter i jump up "god damet" i hit my head on the celing i hold my head and arch over to walk arose the lader to the note i grab it "ha ha" i laugh in achevement i read the note "dear baby girl i built this for you it only works for you it leds to the secrets of this town and i am of knowing you will not tell anyone i love you" the note ended and i sighed darn "hmm" i look aroundn *wosh* i look up and see a nother handle i reach up and pull this one and it opens up to a dusty aticroom i crawl up the lader to see books and maps and papers a diarys and wow wow wow but i see a window i walk over thanking the world that the celing is high in this room i see a handle on the window to open i pull it open reveling a outside porch thing haing off the window i step out on to the porch "wow" i could see the moon and every thing i look around at the stars and lights i see my mom coming in side "shiznit" i jump in to the window and shut it crawling across the lader pressing the button closing it steping down the lader on to the other lege then down that down my bed and closing it all.

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