the new kid wait me!

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i walk with heza her hair driping down it was kinda pretty besides that its pink.

"this is the cort yard this is where the boys go to hang out or read or what ever" she says puting her hands in the hair waving them around.

i smile "cool" i say walking along "so when does class start?" i ask "oh um in like a hour" she says turning around smileing wail walking backwords "oh ok" i open my phone and put in from a few min from know the timer so when class starts im not lat.

"this is the front garden this is where all the girls hang out and tlk and do nails or hair and stuff" she says i look around and see roses and flowers and girls puting then in there hair.

we turn around "oh and on the front yard thats were normal people wait" she says laughing i look around but something i mean some one catches my eye.

i blush a bit stareing "ohhhh no you dont that is heku-shan he is mara-zan boyfriend" she says pulling me to the side "i was not looking at anyone!" i shout blushing "hahaha yea right" she says rolling her eyes "hey were friends right hekaro" she says looking up "sure why not" i say smiling

*bzzzzzzzzzz* i jump as my phone goes off "oh class" i run over and grab my bag on the stares as heza runs after me.

i run in to the halls to my new locker i open it quick and throw my bag in it grabing my notebook "hekaro wait" i look to see heza running after me "oh sorry" i say waiting for her "lets go" she says grabing my arm "ok!" i run behind.

i step in the class room and everone looks up at me i put my head down blushing deep "aww miss hekaro-san come in take a set" i nod walking over to my set and i pull out the chair i look around the class then i spot him..heku-shan i see him drawing in his notebook i smile bright 'i do that to!' i shout in my head. i look down and open my book and start to read again.

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