to much pink

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"come on your going to be late the buss is coming!!" i hear my mom yell wail i pull on my school uniform "coming!" i grab my bag "sorry storm stay here stay out of my moms sight" he whimpers as i ruffle his fur "by boy" i run down the hall in to the kitchen grabing the tost my mom left out and i can hear the buss coming "shiz" i drop the tost and pull on my shoes and run out the door slaming the door 'made it!' i wait for the buss to stop moving "hello hekaro i am your buss driver for the year wellcome to are school take a set" the driver says in a droney tone "thank you" i bow running to a set thank god it was empty.

we finally pull up at school 10 min early "have a good day" the driver says as kids pile out of the buss i just sit and wait till they all go. i grab my bag and step off "thank you" i wave to the driver he looks up and waves giveing me a fake smile i surn and look around at all the kids people playing with there phones reading,listing to there headphones,talking,kissing,huging,laughing and then theres me standing. i walk over the the front school entrence and i open up my book about wolves "hello" i look up and i see a girl in my face "GAW WHAT" i clear my throught "hello?" i rase my eye brow

"hello i am heza-mareoka" she holds out her hand

"aww hi" i shake her hand standing up 'whats up with the pink hair' i smile at her

"wellcome to are school whats your name?"

"oh its hekaro" i say steping by her side

"nice name love love love it!" she says jumping up and down "thank you"  i sigh "come let me show you around" she walks off i run up after her.

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