#3: You find out your pregnant, but Gerard doesnt know

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Y/F/TV/S = Your Favourite TV Show

My excitement grew when I had found out my favourite TV show had come on, I rushed my ham sandwich and grabbing the Oreos from the fridge, I ran to the sofa , nearly tripping over the kitchen bin, I didn't want to miss a minute of it, of course, Gerard wasn't here, he was away at the supermarket doing the weekly shop as he always did, plus he hated my favourite show, I mean, who can hate Y/F/TV/S, so I took this opportunity to have some girl time with myself.

Flopping down on the sofa with a thud, I took the TV remote and flicked to my favourite show, eating the Oreos one by one time flew by quickly, until I began to feel very nauseous.

'Maybe it's the amount of Oreos I've ate' you thought to yourself.

You sat still for a few minutes, hoping it would pass, but it didn't.

I sprinted to mine and Gerard's shared bathroom and violently vomited in the toilet bowl, after a good few minutes, I stopped, I felt like death was coming early, I cleaned my face with a wet cloth and brushed my teeth for the stench to go from my breath.

I sat down and leaned against the wall.
'what's going on? I'm never sick' I said out loud in a worried tone.

Then it hit me. I was late on my period.

I panicked, got myself up and went to the cabinet where I had my emergency pregnancy test, never did I think I would be using this yet, I mean, I'm young, so much I haven't done!, Gerard's artist and solo music career had really taken off, how could I do this too him? you looked at the pregnancy test and a tear slipped down your cheek, you opened the box and looked at the instructions, you peed on the sick and waited.

Waiting was the hardest part, I wanted to know, I need to know.

The test results came back, it was positive. I shook my head in disbelief, emotions hit me like a train, but most importantly, how was I gonna tell Gerard that he was going to be a dad?
I heard the front door clash against the frame, Gerard was home.

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