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Jin's POV
I woke up at 7:00am to make breakfast for the other members, so i freshen up and went down to make Bacon and eggs, after a while they were ready and i prepared the table i finally finished at 7:35 i pouted to see no one has came down those stairs i sighed and went up to each of  the shared rooms as quickly as i can before the food gets cold, i first went to my and Yoongi's room as i went in and saw a sleeping Yoongi, i tapped his shoulders and shake him a little as he tried to open his eyes "Wake up Yoongi sorry for waking you up but the food gonna get cold" i said as he still tried open his eyes and tries to get up "Ok hyung ill be down" Yoongi said while rubbing his eyes open, i left our room and walking next to Namjoon and Taehyung's room, I knocked 3 times as nobody respons i let my self in and seeing only Namjoon i check down stairs incase and i saw Taehyung makeing himslef som coffee i went back up to thier room and do exactly what i did to Yoongi to wake up i tapped his shoulders and shake him a little he hummed for a respons "Wake up Namjoon" i said while hes struggling to open his eyes and slowly stands up and yawns "Ill be there Hyung" he said while streching, i sighed as i left the room and walked up to Jungkook Jimin Hoseok's and shared room.

I knocked 3 times supprised to see Jungkook Opend the door as the other hand rubbed his eye " Yes hyung ill wake up Jimin and Hoseok be down in a minuite." he said and shut the door on me, i nod and went downstairs as evrybody was is the dining room gatherd up chatting i turned and look up seeing the 3 about to go down, i went to the dining area the 3 followed and we all sat and each of us said good morning, i went to go make myself coffee and sat with them once again and we started eating and chat.

~After breakfast~

Everybody was done eating i started to gather thier plates and wash them as they were going to thier rooms and finish up for the practice this afternoon, i washed the dishes and dry them before putting them to the respectful place, i was finally done i rushed to our shared room and i quickly took a shower, after i took a shower i picked out some clothes to where as i chose the white sweat shirt and some jeans, i quickly change in the bathroom and got out with just a wet hair.

I dried my hair and after that i brushed them neetly and i was finally done i grabbed my phone and went down as i saw the other members putting on thier shoes, i joined and start to put my shoes on too.

We all went to the car i was in the drivers seat and the others at the back we were scilent as we drove to the studio to practice.

~After the practice~

We were all tired from practicing for practically 3 hours we all sat at one couch as our maneger walk towards us to say something "Ok i think thats a rap for this day but tomorrow we are going to an interveiw at 12:30 so you guys better be here at 8:20am so we can prepare you guys and wear something formal" he said while each of us talked about the interview i was worried because me seeing some freak comments from haters from our recent MV made me anxious about my self and im sure that the MC will include the new MV so im pretty worried something might go something that is not expected to happen, i shake it of and went to get my self a cup of water and i sat there looking like im in my own wolrd "Are you okey hyung?" Jimin said "Yeah im fine" Jimin nods as he looks to the other members not beleving what i said.

We drove back to the Dorm and i straid went to the kitchen to make dinner as they all went to the living room to go watch TV, after i cooked our dinner i called the all members as they walked to the dining area.

~After Dinner~

After washing the dishes and stuff i quickly hop to the bathroom and take a quick shower, i got out with my Pj's and hop to bed and quickly as i was about to tuk my self in "Hey Seokjin hyung check this out"
i sighed as i got out of bed and walk towards to Yoongi who seemed to be satisfied of what he saw, "What is it Yoongs?" i said as i lean to the his phone "Look" and i saw it the word Little Space i looked at it for a good 1 minuite as Yoongi snapped his fingers infront of my eyes as i fliched a little as he explains evrything and i was a little suprised and satisfied and relevied that i diddnt stand up for some bullshit but it was actually interesting "Wow, wait thats posible?!" i said with confusion "Yes depends on the mood rather your; Stressed,Sad,Mad,Too much excitement but this actually often happens when stressed and sad because he or she can regress to a childlike to forget it i guess." Yoongi explaind as i snapped out of my own world and sighed and i nod as i went to go to my bed, my phone vibrates as i ashumed an another shitty comment i looked as Yoongi looked to i staat it blankly and not suprised by the comment, but Yoongi seem suprisingly worried "Hyung..." he said as i fake smiled and a little teary "Nah its ok Yoongs ill be f-fine" i put my phone to our shared nightstand but i forgot to close my phone but it was to late i was already asleep before i knew Yoongi have my phone.

A/N This is the first Chap! hope you enjoyed, comment for any mistles so i can be aware of them next Chap!

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