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"Nah its ok Yoongs ill be f-fine."
*Warning* Little Jinne comming so this includes some child-ish words xD and CRINGEY AF ;-; -YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Yoongi's POV

Hyung's phone rings and im guessing its a comment from our new MV so i slightly moved to Jin Hyungs side almost standing just to see a comment and it wasnt as i expected,'Gosh why are you still a member we barely see your face in this MV' it says my heart literally broke to see hyung's eyes a little teary "Hyung..." i said as i was worried for our hyung, "Nah its ok Yoongs ill be f-fine" he said with a fake smile and put his phone aside our shared nightstand and forgot to lock it i took advantage and took Jin hyung's phone slowly as i stand up quietly as i assumed hyung is asleep, i tip toed my way to the door and slowly opening it wishing not to make a sound and  succsesfuly got out and slowly closed the door behind me.

I took my time looking at the other comment others were encouraging except for others wich realy made me mad as i went to call the other members to gather at the living room.

I fisrt went to Namjoon and Taehyung's room i knocked at the door 3 time and the door opend seeing Taehyung was about to sleep but Namjoon was reading a book, "Guys Living room now ill explain later" i said without and hesitation and i quickly turned my back from them and went to Hoseok Jimin and Jungkook's room, i knocked 3 times and the door opened seeing Jungkook was holding a controller asuming they were playing, "Guys living room now" i said and i quickly glance at the phone and releived that it hasnt closed yet because i dont know hyung's password.

I went downstairs to see everyone yawning and streching thier backs, "Guys we have a problem" i said looking at each one of them a sign for reactions "About what hyung?" Jungkook said as everyone else nods at Jungkook's question, "Well its about Jin hyung" i passed the phone to Namjoon and was shocked by it "WHAT?!" Namjoon said as the others look at Namjoon confused, Namjoon passed the phone to Taehyung, "This KId!" as he passed the phone to the other and went by the same reaction, " Were nothing without Jin hyung even so that he has like 2 lines in each MV but he makes those two lines perfect!" Jimin said "Yeah and plus his our visual and vocal and what does that kid mean that Hyung cant dance while singing" Taehyung said "And were not a band without Jin, he always be there as our family brother or even a mom always cares and always understands our problems" Jungkook said "Im as shock as you guys i am speachless" Hoseok said as everyone turend thier heads to me with a minuite of scilence, "Maybe we can talk this with the maneger?" Namjoon said breaking the scilence.

"What time is though?" Jimin Asked "10:30pm wich our maneger is still awake by this time" I grabed the phone and quickly dialed the number.


"Whos this?"
"Its me Yoongi!"

"Oh well what can i get yah?"

"Well i was wondering.."

They talked for a while and the maneger thought about it, the maneger did saw loads if comments to give Seokjin more lines, maneger has thought about it and have Yoongi his thought.

*Call ends*

"So what did he say?" Namjoon said while the others  nods aproving Namjoon's question, "Well...Maneger hyung said" Yoongi said with a little tease trying to make the other members impatient, "Well???" Hoseok said being already impatient Yoongi laughs " Maneger hyung said that HE WILL GIVE HYUNG more lines but might aswell extend some time so we can adjust our lines."

We all cheard in joy and releived to know that hyung will get more lines than usual," hey i have something to ask" Yoongi said breaking the noise "What is it?" Namjoon said " How much do you guys know about little space?" Yoongi asked as Namjoon eyes got wide, " Wait isint that a way to regress to your child like and have a care giver to help? I dont know i kinda just heard that from others recently" Namjoon said a bit confused by his answer,"Littlespace is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were unachievable in their adolescence. An adult in littlespace may involve another adult referred to as a caregiver, engage in activities viewed as childish." Yoongi explains like a total genius as they all nod and heard a door opend up they all look up to the shared rooms and see Jin holding a mario plushine and a bit teary as we all widen our eyes and Yoongi slowly went to his hyung Jin started to sob and the other members stood up imidietly.

"Hyung?" Jungkook said a bit worried as they all rememberd what Yoongi explaind they all looked at each other as they they expect that their hyung is in the little space as Jin was smaller that usual Jin holding a mario plushine and his other hand rubbing his eyes as hes sobbing from sadness, Yoongi went closer "Hyung..." Yoongi said in a calm voice "Jinnie is s-sad because of meanie p-people and and was dark and cold i-inside!" Jin said as all of thier jaw dropped as Yoongi ran to his hyung, "Shhh.... its ok Jinnie were all here" Yoongi said while hugging Jin as Jin looked at Yoongi's eyes and look at the other as Jin Walk up to the other members and sit right in front of them, confused "Does Seokie,Kookie,Joonie,Taehyungie,Jiminie Hyungs hate little Jinnie?" All of thier eyes widend as they all say the same thing "No No HYUNG we love little Jinnie!" They all said in sync they look each other as they thought of the same thing, "Really?" Jin said "Ofcourse!" Yoongi came from the back and patted Jin's head with a smile, " Thank you Hyungs!" Jin said with a smile.

Lol Little Jinnie's nickname to his hyung xD all pf them has an 'ie' xD hope you enjoy tho! and yes tha part about calling the maneger wasn't really what i wanted to turn out but Yeah...Hope you enjoyed!

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