Out of the Frying Pan

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"Who did it. Be honest and at least one of you can leave here unscathed." Her voice was harsh, teetering on a scream as she did her best to not scream. Neither of the two in front of her were budging, in their own ways they were fearlessly standing up to the woman who held their lives in one hand.

Rin was looking her dead in the eye, offering a wary smile as she tried her best to difuse the situation. Calm, quiet, and far more composed than her poor sister, she was going to get them out of this one way or another. "Listen, whatever you're after, it wasn't us. Okay? Just let us go before something happens that we all regret."

Sakura wasn't speaking up at all, staring at the ground and refusing to look up. It wasn't that she was guilty, conflict had just never been something she could handle. Its part of why she'd never strayed far from her sister, at least with Rin she knew there was someone to count on for resolving whatever mess they'd gotten into. Granted, she was also the leading cause of them getting into trouble, and situations like this only ever furthered that notion.

"Look!" Rin wouldn't let up just because Sakura was silent, she'd defend them until the very end. Its gotten them this far, why quit now? "I know you're upset, but we aren't who you want for this. We can even cut a deal if that's what you're after! How about it, we can talk this out until you're satisfied."

A fist slammed against the table, Arturia glaring daggers at Rin by the time she finished talking. "I don't want deals! I don't want excuses or lies! Someone took them and I want answers!"

"Its just a few tomatoes, whats the point in getting so--"

Rin didn't get the chance to finish her sentence, Arturia having tackled her and pinned her on the floor. "I never said what was taken! How did you know it was tomatoes?!"

Shit. Did Rin really let that slip? It was sloppy, she might as well have still had seeds smeared along her chin. Her confidence was disappearing more by the second, now looking up at the blonde nervously. She wasn't serious, right? She wasn't about to attack over something so ridiculous... Right? "A-Alright, alright! I ate them. Are you happy? I'll give you all the tomatoes from the next ration drop."

She wasn't having it, if anything the feeble attempt at making a deal enraged her further. "You stole my tomatoes then played innocent! You must be punished for your crimes!" As Arturia yelled such proclamations she was starting to poke at Rin's sides, quickly going into full blown tickling. Despite Rin's flails and pleas she wouldn't stop, the aggressive atmosphere slowly disappearing until all that was left was much needed horsing around. Once satisfied that punishment had been delivered she got off the other, brushing her hands against her pants before holding out her hand to help Rin up.

"You're cruel... I don't think my throat will ever be the same." Accepting the help she slowly made her way back to her feet. Hearing Sakura laugh off to the side immediately captured her attention, turning her head to narrow her focus on dear sister. "Traitor!" That stopped the giggling at least, Sakura giving a halfhearted, apologetic smile before moving to sit on her bed.

"With that crime out of the way, didn't you say you wanted to talk about something today, Rin?" Sakura scooted further down once noticing Arturia coming to join her, leaving the other bed for Rin to sprawl out on a few moments later.

"Yeah. How would you two feel about finally seeing what's out there? What's actually out there. There's no way its as bad as these soldiers are always saying. Nothing can be as bad as being locked up in this cage of a city."

The other two stared blankly at her before turning to each other, Sakura wanting to find some sort of silent agreement that this was a crazy idea, only to be met with eyes sparkling with excitement. She should've known it'd be useless to expect help from her, Arturia had always held an extreme curiosity to her, add in Rin's rashness and bold decisions and she was often made to become the unheard voice of reason. Still, she couldn't deny even she was curious about it all. They'd never gotten the chance to see what the world was like in this state, and if they stayed here they never would. So just maybe... She stayed quiet, only offering a small nod of her head as answer.

"That's what I like to hear! Or, I guess, see. Anyway!" After a moment's confusion she started detailing her plan for the night. Cashing in what ration cards they had left so they wouldn't have to worry about eating for a good while, talking to the local gang lord for a few cheap weapons, waiting until after midnight for a shift change around the border, and sneaking through the tunnels underground until they were free of all of this! It was simple, but because of that there's little chance of screwing it up with specific directions and time frames. Besides, these three survives this long because they were resourceful, plans didn't fit them too well. "That's the gist of it, anybody have questions?"

Dead silence, they were completely on board with this plan they had. Sakura and Rin just wanted to get out of the city, see what remained of civilization and feel alive again. Arturia... She had a promise to keep. It might be stupid, still trying to keep a decade long promise, but she couldn't just throw it away when it'd been from someone who was once her world. She'd find them again, then they would all be together. A family. She held onto that thought as she checked the time. Five hours. That's all they had left in this place. After that they'd start their adventure, and hopefully be on the way to a reunion.

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