The Proposal

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We knocked on the door and laughed when we heard him scrambling to the door , knocking over things on the way. He was very clumsy but that was some of what Tavy loved about him.

'Hello.' We giggle as he opens the door looking flustered.

'Hey.' He says, falling into a lopsided smile. 'Oh. Come in. Heh.' He scratched the back of his neck. He seemed a bit worried and excited. Oh well. We'll find out soon, he can't keep a secret for his life. Looking at Tav she was thinking the same thing . We both shrug.

'So what are you doing?' He asks us.

'We have just been down with the girls, organising the weddings. What have you been doing?'

'Oh just uhhh ummm cleaning! Yes I have erm been cleaning!'

'Uh huh.' We look around. It does look cleaner but the fallen pots interrupt the cleanliness.

'So how are the girls?' He asks.

'Oh we're all great. We just left to escape the stress so we came to your place.' Tavy explains.

'Oh.' He grinned. This seemed to make him want to reveal what ever he is hiding even more. 'So heh heh umm. Ok. Ok. So uhh Tav.. Tavy.. Uhh.' He

scratched the back of his neck, looking terrified.

'Yes?' She gave him an encouraging smile.

'Ok.' He took a deep breath. 'Octavia Lee Kira Williams, I love you so much, you gave made my life amazing, I can't live without you so will you give me the honours of marrying you? Will you marry me?' He holds his breath. Tavy holds her breath. I hold my breath. All of us stand still and then. 'Yes!!' Tavy shouts. 'Yes! Yes! Yes yes yes! I love you so much babe! Thank you! This will be amazing!' They kiss and power into a hug.

'Awww. You guys are so sweet! Oh my! Now there will be three weddings.' I say. This will be crazy, trying to juggle three weddings at once. Tavy and Sam turn towards me, still in their warm embrace.

'Three weddings...' She says quietly. 'This will be AWESOME!!!' She screams.

We all laugh and set off to tell the others of the good news. I feel bad for Liz though she is the only one not getting married, but who knows maybe she might get married aswell.

'Can we find Jay first? I need to see him.' I ask.

'Yea sure thing.'

I can't wait too see Jay, we haven't talked all day. We have been to busy so we haven't had time to talk about the wedding. It can't really be that hard.

Can it?

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