Chapter 19 - Perfect (Almost)

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*Sienna's Pov*

Ok seriously, wake me up now because this can not be real life.

The girl never gets her crush! Especially if her crush is a YouTube sensation who has thousands of girls drooling over his every move.

What make me so special?

I knew the boys had been up to something ever since I woke up this morning, but this was something unpredictable.

*The morning of that day*

"Rise and shine Sienna today we are going to explore Hawaii" Connor said with a smile on his face.

I groaned and threw a pillow at his face at to which he picked it up and threw it back.

Seeing as though it was already 12 pm and I probably wasn't going to get anymore sleep, I got up and got ready for the day.

I admired my appearance in the mirror after finishing up. It may sound self conceded but it was rare that I felt good about myself so when I did I took advantage.

I had picked out a floral romper pared with a pair of strappy sandals. I was rocking it if I do say so myself.

"Peanut! lets go on a helicopter ride? I heard the view out here is amazing." Connor asked yet didn't wait for an answer as he had practically dragged me out the door.

"What's the rush? You still have like 3 hrs before your show! Don't the others want to come?"

"Er no." He replied quickly. To quickly.

He was hiding something, and I knew it.

"Why not? Where only in Hawaii once right?"

"Um because" he paused as he tried to think up an explaination, "they want to practice for the show um ya."

"Well than why aren't you there?"

"Because I.. I want to take a helicopter ride! now let's go c'mon!"

I was suspicious as Connor was a terrible liar, but I let it drop because I to want to desperately go on that helicopter ride.

The ride was amazing, so amazing that I had forgotten all suspicion I had towards Connor.

That is until we got back and Connor refused to let me back in the Hotel room.

"Us guys have to get dressed and you already look perfect! Why don't you wait in the lobby for when we have to go get in the car?" He had said, stuttering at almost every word.

I mean Connor if your gonna lie, don't make it noticeable.

I did go down though despite everything because I didn't want to stress Connor out.

The whole hour I spent waiting for the boys all I could think about was why they where being so secretive. It didn't make sense.

They wouldn't leave me alone like my dad did right?

I couldn't believe it was true but the thought did worry me. That's why when Con texted me that they where on there way down, I was overjoyed.

As soon as they all exited the Elevator my eyes Immediately met Trevor's. He looked really hot for the show and I'm surprised I didn't start drooling.

"Let me escort you, My Lady." Trevor said nervously linking his arm in mine and walking me to the car.

"Why thank you Trev." I smiled as he opened up the door to the back seat of the car.

There we sat for ten minutes straight, nobody saying a word. Trevor looked like he was going to puke, and every time he looked at me he looked away fast.

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