While Gardening......

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So folks, now that Adina is disguised as gardener named Anshula and has met the prince, what do you think should happen? How should the story go? By the way don't you think that the prince is too smart? What if he recognise her?

Adina's POV

The palace garden was beautiful. Thankfully our old gardener Maalichacha had taught me everything about gardening when I was a child. And that's why I chose such a profession that would help me to cover up my lie as no one would be able to doubt my presence due to my great gardening skills.

I was busy watering the plants. I had planted some sunflower seeds and some rose plants in order to make the garden more beautiful. Atleast that would help the Royal family to mourn over the death of the Prince after I kill him.

Meanwhile I saw the Prince strolling in the garden with his bow and arrow. What was he doing in the garden at such an early morning. I decided to stay busy and spy on him at the same time.

He was practicing his archery skills. By aiming his arrow on the fruits on the tree. It made me furious. I forgot that I was supposed to win his trust. And confronted him by an impulse.

"Your majesty, I request you not to aim at the fruits hanging on the tree" I said

Prince Aarya looked at me as if I had done a crime. "You are lucky that I am not in mood to take any action against you because you are a women. No one speaks to me like that" he said. "And next time bow before me"

How dare he asked me to bow in front of him?I could literally punch his face. Not before kissing his beautiful lips. His juicy red lips. What the hell was happening to me? Why do I go into a trance whenever he spoke to me?

I mentally scolded myself and decided to take a safer way so I apologised to him and he nodded. I went back to work.

After sometime

"Anshula, I am sorry. I forgot that you were just doing your duty. I won't aim for the fruits next time" he said in an apologic tone and gave me a heartwarming smile.

His unexpected gesture shocked me. Okay so he was not that arrogant.

"Your majesty" I said in the calmest tone possible. It was the time to look wise "I was scared that you might hurt any bird or destroy its nest with your arrow while aiming for the fruit"

An understanding look came to his face and he smiled his radiant smile. "You are such a sweet and harmless creature"

He left the garden as soon as he got the orders to report to the King.

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