Consequences of Being Me Chapter 1

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I'll talk at the bottom....please read!!



Drew POV

I stared in the mirror looking at the unfamiliar reflection. My hair was curled, but the hairpiece made it a lot longer than normal, and my makeup looked magnificent, the colors suited my skin tone and eye color perfectly! I turned over to my friend, Jenna, and said, "Thanks for helping me get ready," and then I gave her a huge hug.

"No problem," she said with a smile.

"Are you sure I look ok?" I asked, for the tenth time, I think.

"You look amazing. I'm, like, seriously jealous!" she said and we both snickered. Jenna then handed me my purse and escorted me to the door.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"As ready as a straight guy in a dress will ever be," I said and we both laughed. Jenna's laugh was amazing. It was just so...beautiful. We hopped into my black mustang and drove off, just the two of us, and even though I had mascara in my eye, it felt good.

Jenna POV

Now you may be wondering why my guy friend Drew is putting on makeup and has a purse and curled hair, aren't you? Well I would be. Oh and he's not gay, he's straight, believe me. Let's take it back to about a month ago and see what exactly happened.

(1 month earlier)

First day of school, I thought as I stepped off of the bus. Since I'm only 15 and a half, I get the amazing privilege of riding the bus everyday to school until the end of October. Throwing wadded up papers at the bus driver, seeing if just maybe he'll crash into a tree just isn't my thing. I took a few steps and saw the sign that welcomes each of us into the school. 'The City of Truggview's Own: Truggview Public High School' it read. What a creative name! Don't worry I'm being sarcastic.

"Jenna! Hi!" I heard a familiar voice say from behind.

"Oh, hi, Stacy," I said, unfortunately. Stacy was probably the most annoying girl in the entire sophomore class at Truggview High. All she ever did was talk and she had the most annoying, high-pitched laugh.

"Isn't the first day of school great?" she asked with way too much enthusiasm.

"Uh, sure," I managed to say before entering the biggest hell-hole in the world. I opened the doors to the most dramatic, critical, and overall worst place possible. I managed to make it to my new locker but I had to push a few people out of the way. I tried my combination twice and finally opened the metal door and loaded my books. I looked at my schedule. Homeroom with Mrs. Dessra then Algebra II followed by P.E.. Great. I made my way to Room 26 to see who exactly was in my homeroom. I met up with one of my best friends, Alyssa, on the way there.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah sure," I said. I opened the door to Room 26, reveling classroom filled with a very mixed group of student. There were the popular kids, well some of them, like Emma Hale and her sidekicks Christy and Victoria, who were sitting right next to Mark and Grant, obviously flirting. There were also a group of nerds doing something with a math book and calculator. There were also the loners who just sat there playing with their hands, not talking or looking at anyone. Well then there are like the prep girls and swim team and stuff like that but they don't really matter that much.

"Welcome to hell," Chris said as I walked over to the back of the classroom and sat on top of an empty desk. Chris has been one of my closest friends since kindergarten, just like Alyssa and Megan. Megan was in another homeroom but I'm glad I had the other two here. Sometimes I felt bad for Chris, though. I felt bad that he had to hang around three girls on the time because he never made it on the football team.

"You said it," Alyssa said reaching for her phone, checking her messages, I assume.

"Settle down people," Mrs. Dessra said walking into the room. "Now, welcome back to school!" she said with a far to over-exaggerated smile.

"Yay," I heard someone say sarcastically sending the whole class into small snickers.

"Who said that? There will be no sarcasm in my class!" Mrs. Dessra yelled. Well this was going to be a long year.

"Hey," I heard someone whisper from the left of my. He was very cute. He had brown hair and eyes to match. He was muscular but not like grossly muscular. He had tan skin and an amazing smile that certainly melted my heart.

"Oh hi," I said.

"I'm Drew," he said.

"I'm Jenna," I responded.

"I'm new here and my next class is in Room 19. Do you know where that is?" he asked sweetly.

"Actually, Room 19 is where my class is too, I can show you there is you want," I said getting my hoped up.

"That would be great," he said with a smile and then turned back to Mrs. Dessra who was going over the importance of silent cell phones. Maybe this class won't be that bad after all.

(After School)

I opened the door to my house only to see an empty home. Boring. I grabbed a banana and went to my room to start my homework. Homework on the first day of school is lame and stupid in my opinion. What's the point?

I kept thinking over and over about my day, about Drew. We shared homeroom together along with two of my friends and 1st period was just me and him. 2nd period was a drag compared to first. Before I knew it, it was lunch time, time to hang out with all of my friends. I had 5th period with Hannah and Alyssa and last with Chris and Hannah. Then the day was over.

I finally focused and did my homework but I was about halfway through when I heard the sound of breaking glass and something hit my head. That's all I remember, everything went black.


Hhheyy so do u like it so far? Please tell me if u do or don't!! So remember to COMMENT, VOTE and FAN!! (I <3 the comments) K bye!!

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