Consequences of Being Me Chapter 5

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Jenna POV

I woke up to noises. There was never noise in the morning at my house. It was yelling, someone was yelling. Was it my father? I got up and got dressed and then made my way to the bathroom to do my hair and brush my teeth, when I heard more yelling. I looked down the stairs to see my dad yelling into his cell phone, about work. I really could care less about his work. I grabbed a waffle and made my way out the door, unnoticed. I sat on the cold sidewalk for a few minutes before the bus pulled up to my house. I walked towards the middle of the bus to sit next to Drew, this time I didn't even look for any other possible seats. I sat down and he hardly looked up.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, waving my hand in his face to try to get his attention.

"Oh, uh, kind of, well," he said, sitting up a bit, with his head still hanging.

"Would you like to tell me what's wrong?" I asked him, curiously.

"Well, you know Stacy, from class? She's in the hospital right now; she collapsed last night, or something of that matter. She hasn't woken up yet," he said sounding very concern for the sake of Stacy.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I really should go visit, but me and Stacy weren't that great of friends really, but I should at least do something. Don't worry, everything will be ok," I tried to tell him in a comforting voice. It didn't work. He still sat there with his head down, the rest of the bus ride was silent.


Jenna POV

I walked into the cafeteria and immediately looked for Alyssa, Hannah, and Chris. I walked over to where they were standing in the lunch line, cutting in front of everyone, but I tried to be sly about it.

I grabbed a tray and I felt Hannah's cold eyes connecting with mine. Then something happened, something that has never really happened to me. I felt chills run down my body but it was the follow by extreme heat. I heard a voice in the back of my head tell me that she was danger but I ignored it. Once our glare was disturbed by Chris, I wonder why the voices in my head were telling me that Hannah, my best friend since kindergarten, was dangerous. Wow, I must be really hungry.

I paid for my food and made my way towards our usual table. Once I sat down, I said the first thing that came to my mind, "Stacy Crane is in the hospital."

"WHAT?!" Alyssa screamed while Chris almost spit out his Coke.

"What the hell happened?" Chris asked me.

"All I know is that she collapsed or something last night and hasn't woken up yet," I said, basically emotionless. I hadn't really thought about Stacy that much today because, I mean, why would I? Yeah that may sound a little bratty but me and Stacy weren't exactly friends anyways.

"How did you find out?" Hannah asked me curiously.

"Drew told me on the bus," I said quickly, trying to avoid any further questions. My techniques didn't work.

"Ooooohh, Drew...So when's the date?" Alyssa asked me. What the heck? How did she know? I certainly hadn't told anyone about the date and Drew said he only told one of his friends. Oh, do you see how fast rumors spread around here?

"What date?" I asked, pretending I had no idea what was happening.

"The one that you aren't telling me about," Hannah said.

"Uh, Friday," I said quietly. The second after the came out of my mouth I immediately regretted it. I forgot that Alyssa, sometimes, had a way of spreading things around.

"OMG! So it's true!" she squealed.

"Yeah but don't tell a bunch of people," I tried to tell her before she asked more questions.

"What are you wearing? Wait, where is he taking you? Oh and when did he ask?" she questioned.

"I don't know, movies and yesterday on the bus," I confessed.

"Well that sounds adorable," she said in a high-pitched voice. Now by the end of the day the whole school will know judging by Hannah's enthusiasm.

(After School, On Bus)

The bus's doors opened students piled in. I made my way next to Drew, almost getting my seat stolen by a freshman. I looked at him and say that he was still extremely upset. I had tried multiple times to comfort him but none of them had worked. The bus ride, like the one on the way to school, was very quiet. I grabbed my backpack and started on my homework for Algebra. Before I knew it, we were at my stop. I grabbed my stuff and quickly escaped the bus. As it drove away, I grabbed my key and opened to door. Empty. I put my backpack in my bedroom and went back downstairs to get a snack. On the counter was a note, written on a small piece of paper. The front side said 'Jenna'. I grabbed it and flipped it over. There was a letter written on the back. It said:


We need to talk immediately. Don't worry; this is not about the Hannah situation, it's about something far more important. This is all about you. We need to meet soon Defenitely before I meet up with Hannah. How about Saturday afternoon, 3:00, at my house? Please come, it's very important.

Love Always and Forever, Your Mother

Um? Ok? What the hell was this about? About me? And how the heck did this get on my kitchen counter? My mom doesn't even have a key! Geez these are all questions that need answers so it looks like I have plans on Saturday. I thought more in depth about all of this and thought that maybe this is about me knowing something will go wrong between her and Hannah, or maybe about my head and the hospital. Only time can tell at this point.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some yogurt before making my way to my bedroom. I opened the blinds and turned on my laptop. I logged in and went straight to work on homework. I wrote two essays, draw a diagram, read 3 chapters, finished my math and ate my yogurt all before 5:00. Impressive. I walked down the stairs and turned on the TV, changing the channels so fast to see if anything good was on that I could barely read what the title thing of the show even was.

I heard a knock on the door and I jumped a little bit. I made my way to the door and looked through the little peephole. It was Drew. I quickly opened the door and saw the only guy I could possibly want to see on a Thursday after on my doorstep. No it wasn't the UPS guy, it was Drew!

"Hi Drew, uh, come in," I said while gesturing toward the living room. He came in and smelled like cinnamon. His brown hair was beautifully side-swept and his eyes were chocolate brown and looking right at me. I closed the door behind him and we walked towards the living room. I sat in the big loveseat while he sat on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, trying to sound a little bit casual. How could a girl be casual at a time like this?! A time when her crush who is also the guy she is going out with on Friday is in her house and sitting on her couch?! Oh and when he is here by choice not by force; I mean, he isn't even tied up or anything!

"I need to talk to you," he said.

"Oh, ok," I responded with.

"It's about Stacy, and the bus," he told me.

"What about it?" I asked. I was getting very curious now. Why did he care so much about Stacy Hertz? Oh my gosh is he canceling our date to go on one with Stacy; does he like her?! I saw that Drew was getting more and more nervous and it almost looked like he was feeling uncomfortable. I really wanted to be there to comfort him but I also wanted to hear what he had to say before I skipped to conclusions.

"Well, Stacy is my sister."

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