Fire & Lava

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I have always been a little different from everybody else, but when I started having the... dreams it just made it worse. I told my mom but she just told me not to worry, and that didn't help.

My mom works for the city. My dad, well let's just say he's a little, okay a lot, crazy. When I was little my dad claimed that he had special powers and that I should have them too, so to keep me safe he got put in the looney bin.

I never believed him, but then last year when I turned 16, I accidentally caught my homework on fire. I didn't know it would happen I just got mad, if you had calculous you would understand.

~ Monday at School ~

This morning while I was walking down the hall, Maddie, the 'popular girl' ran into me.

"Ugh. Watch where you're going, freak." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Um...sorry." I replied, confuzed. "I think."

I got up and made my way to ELA, one of my favorite classes. As I was walking in the door I noticed that my friend Kimmberly still hadn't came back to school. She had been gone for the last 3 days.

When I walked in Mr. Allan was writing on the board, so I went to my seat in the back of the room and got out my book. One by one my classmates came into class and sat in their seats. Sally, Matt, Emma, and Jimmy came in a group. They've been my best friends since middle school. I told Sally about my homework. She said she believed me, but I'm not positive she doesn't.

When the bell rang, Mr. Alan told us to get out our textbook and go to page 547. We started reading while he gave us the assignment. When I was done I began to work, but got stuck. It made me so mad I clenched my fist. All of the sudden my hands were on fire! It didn't hurt or anything, but I was surprised. I stood up with my hand behind my back and ran to the bathroom. I ran my hands under the cold water to put the fire out.

When I went back to class, Mr. Allan sent me to the principal's office for leaving. When I got there, another girl was sitting in a chair on the far side of the room. She looked up at me as I walked in and sat closest to the door. I sat there for a while. Finally, the principal walks out of her office and calls us in.

"Skye, come in please." She says in a formal tone. "You too, Hestia."

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