Coffee shop guy

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Katy was the type of girl that didn't like to think things over too much, and maybe that was the reason she never saw this coming.

She should have known really, when she woke up that morning and decided to have a nice, uneventful day - as if that could ever happen. By now she should have realized that staying single, or at least not romantically entangled in some poor suckers life, for more than a day in this country was never realistically an option. This was down to two factors: the first being the fact that she was a minority, being white in South Korea was like... Well it was like being Asian back in the UK. It made her different and exotic, and it meant that she stood out in most crowds. The second factor was something she scolded herself about on a regular basis. It was simply the fact that she couldn't resist those freaking Asian boys. What could she do? She had a type.

She should have known when she saw him smile over the counter of the little coffee shop, and if not then she really should have known when she asked him for a pen. That was really the nail in the coffin - now she wasn't just an exotic foreigner, she was an exotic foreign writer. 

And there was one more thing she should have known: how much trouble he was going to be. His perfect skin, brand label shoes, skinny jeans and those fake circular glasses everyone who was at least a little bit insecure in their face shape wore. Those were all perfectly clear indicators of how much of a high maintenance pain in her ass he would turn out to be.

Of course, Katy ignored all of these factors and fell head first in brilliant, disastrous love with him.

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