11. Books Before Boys

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Disclaimer: Percy Jackson series spoilers.

Monday 6th July

Since the night I had decided to return, every time I mustered up the urge to ask to leave, a small part of me begged me not to. This had become my second home, as selfish as it seemed.

I was currently stuck in bed, writhing in pain.
Arianna peeked her head in and grimaced when she saw the warm rag over my stomach. "On a scale of 1-10, how bad are your cramps?"

"A hundred. How'd you know?" I groaned, releasing a deep breath.

"Cindy. Nate and I overheard mom when she was warning Isaac not to annoy you today. Do you need any-"

"Cindy brought some pads for me, I'm fine,"

She smiled sheepishly at me then nodded. "Should I leave? Would you like to sleep?"

I shook my head at the latter question, "I can't really sleep right now, I feel like I'm being stabbed multiple times in my gut."

She giggled at my response, "Boy can I relate,"

Before I can respond, she turned on her heel and left the room. I frowned at her sudden exit and then found myself giggling as I remembered Arianna had said that Isaac was warned not to harass me today.

Arianna soon reappeared at my doorway clutching a stack of books in her hand. She wobbled her way to the edge of my bed, under the weight of the tower of books, and sent them all crashing to my bed as she sat down.

"So!" She exclaimed, a wild gleam appearing in her eyes. Isaac had once told me that Arianna was a bookworm, but I had never seen her in her element. It was actually very adorable.

She picked a sea green book up in her hands and showed me, "Have you ever heard any of these?" I studied the book. It was titled 'The Lightning Thief' and on the book's bridge, it read ' Percy Jackson& The Olympians Book One'

I shook my head, "I watched the movies though. They were pretty good."

Arianna dropped the book and made a hissing sound so bloodcurdling, I swore that she'd morph into a cobra at any second.

"We don't speak about those awful attempts of movies that they like to call adaptations," She shuddered, clasping the sea green book once more, as well with another yellow one.

"I take it that it's nothing like the books?" I guessed, grimacing as another sharp pain flared in my lower stomach.

"It's a disgrace. Quite disrespectful. The only good thing we got out of those movies were Logan Lerman's beautiful face,"

"Ah, I see. Well, I'll be honored to read this wonderful series," I smiled, holding out my hand for the first book.

She retracted her hand and frowned, "Not so fast,"

I shook my head as she arranged the books in order. There had to be at least ten books in front of us now. She scooped the first five into her hands and handed them to me. "Read these in order PLEASE," she instructed, narrowing her eyes. I nodded, then glanced at the remaining five books at her thigh. She followed my line of sight and smiled, revealing her adorable braces.

"These are the second series, This the Heroes of Olympus series," she gushed, stroking a blue and yellow book. I noticed that there was what seemed like a mechanical dragon on the cover, and falling a few feet under it, was a blonde boy.

"Which series do you prefer?" I asked, leaning back into my pillow. I purposely asked her that, to allow her to ramble on passionately about the book series.

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