Chapter 28- He's Nowhere.

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A/N: This is probably gonna be a short chapter. But if it is, I'm sorry for a short one. I'd just like to mess around with the character, and explore their POV's.

Chapter 28- He's Nowhere.

***Callie's POV***

It's happening all over again. History repeating itself. He's been gone for about two weeks now, and he's nowhere to be found. I've tried everywhere searching for him; but he's nowhere. I went to every place he can be; but as usual, he's gone. I'm crazy worried about him.

I can see that even mom is trying her very best to look for Ethan. Calling a lot of people to look for him. But, how come he's nowhere to be found. Where is he hiding at. I feel like something bad is about to happen to him.

"Mom, any news yet?"

"No, we tried tracking his phone; which failed, tracking the last time he used his credit, which apparently he did used back in Malibu to withdraw some cash out of his account, and that's the last place we had him."

"I'm really worried about Ethan, mom. What if the whole incident happen again, like last two years ago."

"Don't worry, I won't let it happen this time. Did you try contacting any of his friends?"

"I did, but all of them don't know where Ethan is. And Antonio also told me that he went to every place where Ethan can be in, but he's just nowhere."

The worry is killing me. I thought that by coming home, means that I'll have fun, but this ain't fun. I didn't sign up for this.

Where are you Ethan?


Another day passed by, and still no news to where he is. He's really nowhere this time.

"So, Antonio, any news yet?"

"None. He's really hiding somewhere good this time. Usually I could find him just like that, but now he's nowhere."

"Where do you think he could be right now?"

"Somewhere he knows that we are not gonna look to."

"Did you try getting hold of Katy? she's the only one that I know that can bring Ethan back."

"I tried, but her schedule is massively packed, and I couldn't get her to meet me."

"Ugh! where could he possibly be."

It's like the whole universe doesn't want him to be found. We have no clue where he is.

"How's your mom holding up, about Ethan being missing?"

"Worried, she hasn't been sleeping lately thinking where he could possibly be."

"I'm sorry this had to happened to you."

"Yeah." I said; quietly.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. I won't stop until we found him. I'm gonna be your little side kick." He chuckles, which made me blush a little.

"Side kick huh? Sounds great." I put up a smile.

"Yes, finally you smiled. I'm not used to seeing you not smiling. I like when you smile."

"You really haven't changed Antonio. Not one bit."

He smiles.

For some reason he's making me forget all about my problems. I used to have a huge crush on him back when we were middle school, but I don't know if I still have it. I have to stop worrying about this feelings, and worry about my missing brother instead.

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