The Egg

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It was just an average evening for the Warner siblings, escaping from the water tower and being chased by Ralph. Ralph has lost track of the Warners as they ran into a forest.
The sunbeam from the setting sun glistens beautifully against the leaves. Suddenly, they hear a loud KABOOM! coming from a nearby field.
"Sibs, did you hear that?" Yakko said. They ran to the field and they find a mysterious giant egg, smoking from falling through the Earth's atmosphere.

"Wow, it's so big!" Dot said. Wakko was close to devouring the egg.
"WAIT WAKKO! DON'T EAT IT!!!" Yakko and Dot shouted. Wakko poked the egg and it moved. "...a giant chick?!"
"How can it be a chick if it fell from the sky?!" Dot said. "It's not a chick, so it's gotta be a..."
"A baby alien?" they all said. The egg began to change colors. "Most certainly." It also had a stamped barcode with numbers on it, reading "00621899", with the pronunciation of "renrenjibimoyozaza" in the egg's somewhat native language from whatever planet it came from.

They took the egg back with them to the water tower. The siblings sat by the egg, wondering when it will hatch. It only moved, kicked, and changed colors. When they got ready for bed, Yakko placed the egg next to him in bed, trying to keep the egg nice and warm. "Let's just hope it hatches soon." Yakko said.

Around the middle of the night, the egg began glowing very brightly in pink and it began to crack. Yakko woke up. "Huh?" Yakko whispered, then he saw a little hand. "It's hatching!" Yakko had to wake up his siblings, but they woke up from the bright pink lights from the egg. Wakko and Dot climbed off the bunk bed. Out from the egg shell came a foot. Dot eagerly smiled as it hatched. "It's so little!" she said. As it continued to crack, the other leg popped out.
Wakko attempted to help the baby alien hatchling out. "Let it hatch on its own, Wakko." Yakko said, "It's almost there."
The ears began to pop out. After the five minutes, the egg finally hatched completely and the baby was still glowing brightly in pink. "It's illuminating!" Wakko said.
Dot gasped happily. "It's still glowing pink, so the baby must be a girl!"
"What if it's a boy?" Yakko asked.
"How can it be a boy if it's pink!" Dot yelled. "It's totally a girl!"
Yakko placed his thumb on the baby's hand. It grabbed it.
"Aww..." they all said. The bright pink light began to fade as the baby's appearance begins to reveal.

~A little end of part note from yours truly, Wandy!~
I had this AU in my head for quite some time and I was like:
You know what? I'm gonna let this AU out of my head and turn it into a fanfiction!
(but I know that I'll cringe at this in the future xD)
My twin sister and I both agreed on this! xD (She's Animaniacs trash too btw)
I'm writing this with on my iPad and I'm at my grandparents' house and they have no Wi-Fi! oof.
I'm really sorry if this is short, but I'm ending this part as a cliffhanger! (Dun dun
duuuuuuun *Insert sad trombone sfx here*) You'll find out the next part! ;)

Music I'm listening to:
Cute royalty free background music I downloaded from 甘茶の音楽工房 (Atelier Amacha Music) and yes, I use it for videos and I sometimes like to randomly listen to the music. xD

Anyways, I hope you liked it! See y'all in the next part!

[Animaniacs] Three Warners and a BabyWhere stories live. Discover now