1} Her ocean eyes

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*bleep bleep bleep bleeeeepp bleeeeppp*
I roll over and slam my alarm clock off. Today's my first day at this new high school school in junior year. I lay in bed and stare into nothingness.
   "Good morning Luc, it's time to get up! First day of school!! First day of school!!!" My mother comes in and makes sure I'm awake.
  I toss the blankets off of me and get out of bed. Grabbing some socks and sliding them on. I grab some high waisted ripped jeans and a cute stripped slightly cropped top, and slide on my vans rolling my jeans into cuffs. I pull my hair out of it's messy bun revealing it's natural wavy curls, I fix it up a little and toss it back and forth finding the right spot to part it, and then apply some mascara trying to look somewhat put together. I can't scare everyone away with my bare face on the first day at least. I brush my teeth, I grab a leather jacket and I'm out the door.
"Hey hunny, here's your lunch and your water, good luck on your first day! love you!" My father hands me my stuff.
"Love you too dad! BYE MOM I LOVE YOU!" I shout as I shut the door behind me, and walk down my driveway to the bus stop.
~5mins later~
After waiting a little while, I hopped onto the bus.
I walked towards the back of the bus as every head turned towards me making strange faces. There's one spot next to a teenage boy maybe my age, mocha brown locks, decently muscular, a GORGEOUS Carmel complexion and gorgeous deep chocolaty brown eyes. I tapped his shoulder, he pulled an earbud out.
"H-hey, Can I sit with you?" I say politely
"Yeah Ofcourse" he replied with a warm smile. I responded with a warm smile.
"Thank you!" I say.
We sat next to each other, I grabbed some makeup out of my bag and plopped it onto my lap.
The most beautiful girl walked onto the bus. She was about 5 foot, gorgeous blue eyes, long curly golden brown hair, beautiful tanned golden skin. She looked to be around sixteen. But she was the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. I looked out the window hoping she wouldn't see that I just couldn't stop staring at her. She walked to the back of the bus where I was sitting stunned that she even noticed me. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up immediately taking out one earbud. WOW. Even more gorgeous up close. The tiny freckles on her face matched the tiny flecks of copper and green in her ocean blue eyes. I drowned in them. Trying not to look to deeply into them.
"H-hey, can I sit with you?" She said stuttering of nerves, it was the darnedest cute thing. I thought to myself 'HELL yes a beauty like you, is always welcomed to sit next to me.'
"Yeah Ofcourse!" I smiled at her and moved my backpack onto my lap.
"Thank you!" She said smiling back. Oh her gorgeous pearly white teeth. All straight. There was not an imperfection on her. I left one earbud out listening to the voices around me buzz about this beautiful new girl. She looked through her bag trying to find something, she pulled out a small bag and unzipped it. Taking out some makeup, "you're so beautiful just the way you are." I say Looking at her. She looked at me and she blushed not saying a word. Maybe she thought to herself  'ew who is this trying to flirt with me already.' Maybe she just was super shy. Maybe she'd never been called beautiful before and was just in shock. She put her makeup bag back into her backpack gently and zipped it up.
"You're so beautiful just the way you are." I turned to a handsome face who's eyes glistened in the sunlight. Making them shine orangey brown colors like embers from a fire, with a dark brown almost black ring around them. They were amazing. I felt my face get hot and i knew I was blushing. I was speechless no one had ever called me beautiful before. I put away my stuff gently and zipped my bag shut.

Hey guys,
      I'm just starting this for fun, hope you enjoyed!

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