Chapter 2 | That's My Shot

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He's so sweet and caring, thinking to myself about the way Jayson treats me.
I don't know how I scored someone as handsome as he is, I'm plain and boring, not something out of a playboy magazine.

"How about I take you home, so you can get dressed for the concert and still be on time." He cuts me off mid ramble.
"Oh...uh- sure! Why not ?" I say, grateful that I don't have to catch public transportation back home. "Oh wait, um don't you have to change too?" I ask.

"I can still drop you off and come back to get you. It's really no problem." Ugh he's so nice, I really hope we can stay like this for a long time. I'm so glad he's not like the rest of the dudes who only try to get in my pants.

"I- okay, are you ready now?" Packing up my left over lunch and drinking the rest of my coffee, I stand up and straighten myself out before letting him lead me towards his 2018 Range Rover sport car.

As we reach the car he extends his arm to open the passenger door for me. I smile and and get in the car and put my seatbelt on. Jay runs to the other side of the car and does the same.

I turn the radio on and immediately Ariana Grande's song 'Only 1' blast through the radio and I start to hum the song and dance around in my seat. "You look amazing" Jay whispers and slightly taking his eyes off the road to watch me.

"Thank you" I quickly rush out. Blushing brightly due to the butterflies in my stomach when he complements me. Still humming the song changes and we reach my home.

Jay unlocks the door and gets out to run to my door and opens it. "I had a great time with you today Sash, your presence was greatly appreciated. I look forward to picking you up later today." I look at him, like really look at him. I think he might be the one.

"I- wow Jay, I'm glad you enjoy my company. I as well can't wait for you to pick me up later either." I rush out my words, not knowing what to say I hug him and walk up to my front door.

I walk into my kitchen and place my to-go bag on the counter. I call my mother to check up on her as usual. "Hi mommy, I've missed you." I say once she picks up.
"Hi baby, I've missed you as well. I hope all is well and you visit me soon."

My mom was in a sanctuary for a drug addiction she had when she was younger, that just now started to effect her.

"I will mommy I promise, how does this weekend sound? I'll get my work from my professor and come visit you." My professors knew of my situation with me living with my jackass of a dad so they try to help me at all times.

Speaking of my dad, the door handle starts to jiggle and I tell my mom I'll speak to her later as she agrees on the weekend. "What are you doing here so early?"

Walking towards me he stands in front of the counter and then replies "Why are you so worried?" I look at him to see if he's high tonight, sure enough the whites of his eyes are red and his lids are slightly closed.

"When are you ever going to attempt to be and actual dad to me. You act like a stupid immature boy." This was the first time I ever spoke out towards my dad. I always stayed silent about what he does and how he treats me.

"You treat me like shit l, like I don't mean anything to you. Like you don't even notice that I'm really here. What made you this way?"

My words shock him and me. The shock shows on his facial experience as I continued to tell him off. "I didn't know you felt this way towards me. I always thought you hated me after what happened with your mom and I."

When I was ten my dad kicked my mom out, leaving her stranded in the middle of the street with all of her clothes. He told her she'd never see me again and sure enough for five years he kept me away from her. To this day I still don't know why he did what he did.

Now I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I don't need him to dictate my life anymore. I roll my eyes at his statement and walk up the stairs to get ready for the concert Jay invited me to.

I reach my room and I strip from my clothes and walk into my closet. I quickly decide on a thin strap denim dress with pearls lined randomly into the dress. I set my outfit on the edge of my bed, and walk to the bathroom.

I turn the water on in the shower so it's not too hot but not too cold. Once I feel like my body is clean and not clammy I jump out and dry myself off. I stand in front of the mirror and admire myself not to seem conceited but to remind myself of how beautiful I am and to know my worth.

I walk out of my bathroom and into my room. I take my hair out from the ponytail and my thick natural curls fall down to my shoulders. I slide my dress on and walk back to my closet to find my black ballet flats.

Once I have my flats on I walk to my door mirror to see if I look decent. I spray my vanilla bean perfume onto my body and fluff my hair. I check my phone to see if Jay texted me and sure enough he has.

'Hey beautiful, would you happen to be ready?'

'Just about I am'

'I just happen to be outside, I'm coming to the door'

True to his word the doorbell rings and I run to open the door. I stand there for a few seconds to get myself together. I swing the door open. "Hey Jay" I say.
"I woah.... you look amazing" he responds and then looks behind me and I follow suit.

"Who the hell is that" my dad says and glares at Jayson.

Until next time,
                         Short Stuff ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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