The Waterfall

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The Waterfall

I, Hazel Slouple, a 15 year old adventurer, have just discovered a new and amazing landmark for Costa Rica. The first ever waterfall. I have decided to name it Volio Waterfall after my darling mother Volio Slouple...

I'm standing at the edge of Volio and admiring the beauty of my discovery when I hear a noise. It sounds as if someone, or something is walking up to me... I hear metal clanking and stop to think of what it could be. It wouldn't be an animal because they wouldn't be making that sort of noise. Then I freeze with fear because I realize what it is. It's not an animal, it's...

I turn around in time to see,

"Phoaaaaaaah!!!!!!! And then i'm tumbling down, down, down with memories flooding into my mind, me screaming with terror, sadness, anger and then, Splash!...

I wake up not knowing who I am, where I am, or what happened to me! I can't remember anything! My body is aching and I've got bruises everywhere and i'm feeling quite dizzy. I sit up and look around, the first thing I see is a long spiralling staircase and bookshelves lining the walls. Then I see two people hurrying down the stairs and coming up to me. "Hello," they say. "You've been out for hours!" "How are you feeling?" They ask. "I, I don't know," I answer.. "Well, What's your name?" They ask again. "I'm, i'm not sure," I say.

Then they gasp and glance at each other with worried looks on their faces. "What?" I ask "What's wrong?"

The next thing I know, i'm lying on the sofa crying and feeling very scared. The woman and man had told me that I had lost my memory and that they had found me lying on the forest's ground covered in mud, soaking wet, and gasping for breath and that they had taken me to their house in the woods and taken care of me and also that I had been very lucky to survive. Their names were Maple and Andy.

The next day I woke up feeling dazed and very hungry. I slowly stumbled over to the kitchen where Maple and Andy were already making bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast. When they saw me they said good morning and how did you sleep? I sat down at the table and they asked me "Have you ever had Bacon and Eggs?" "I don't really know." I answered uncertainly. Andy and Maple had told me that it would take at least 2-3 weeks for me to regain my memory. So until then I would be stuck at Andy's and Maple's house with no memory of who I was, how I had gotten here and what I was doing.

A month later I woke up and felt somehow different. I walked downstairs and as usual, saw Andy and Maple making breakfast. They saw me and said good morning. They called me Liv because I was lucky to have LIVed. But this morning without even thinking I said "Hazel." "what?" they asked. "I think my name is Hazel." then they just stood there spell bound. And then I gasped as I realised what had just happened.

I sat on the couch with Andy and Maple pouring out everything about me that I could now remember.

After the surprise of me being able to remember my name, we had decided that we should wait until all of my memory had come back and then make a plan of what to do next. (we also decided that they would still call me Liv because it would be easier for them and also because it was a nice name and that it suit me and also just because.) there was only one problem. I had got my memory back, but I had also got my memory's of the past...

We were on the road!

We were searching for Pho... "Liv?" asked Maple. "How are me going to find him?" "who?" I ask "Phor..." "ooooooh! Right." I know where he will be hiding. I answer.

We stopped at the place that Andy and Maple had first found me and I jumped out of the car and inspected the spot. I looked at the tree trunk that was in front of the spot, the ground, under the leaves, I even dug up a bit of the ground! But I couldn't find anything! It was only until I put the dirt back that I found something glittering in the dirt, I grabbed it, dusted it off and yelled, "Andy, Maple, you have to see this!" Andy and Maple came running over to me, almost colliding in the process. I whipped out the phone Maple had given me and quickly snapped a few photos. It was a small blue gem, glittering in the sunlight. I made a move to drop it into my bag when I heard a twig snap and instinctively I turned around and in the bushes something rustled. I jumped up and ran over and spread apart the bushes. "Gotcha?" we all yelled. But there was no one there! Frazzled and confused we all went back to the spot where we had left the car and climbed in. I opened my hand to look at the gem once more, but when I did, it was gone! Someone had distracted us, and taken it while we had been searching for the culprit who had been 'hiding in the bushes.' and then taken it. The questions were, who, why and how...

To Be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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The Waterfall By VilmaWhere stories live. Discover now