Percy's Imagine

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Y/N's POV(1st Week Of June)

I was walking down a street by the Hudson River when something-like a dog,human,and a seal mixed together-was walking towards me.I shrieked.It saw me.I had my tote with me.It had everything I use in it.The thing came running at me."AARRGGHH!!!!"I screamed,swinging my tote at it.It flew in the air,landing on the pavement.Obviously,I had only made it more angry.Crap.Suddenly,a wave came out of nowhere from the Hudson River.A boy jumped down from it,sword in hand.WAIT SWORD!?"WHAT THE HELL(sorry if you don't swear,it's just I would be cussing if I saw a guy jump down from a wave with a sword in hand).HOW THE HELL DID YOU JUMP DOWN FROM A WAVE AND NOT SKEWER YOURSELF!?WHY DO YOU HAVE A SWORD IN THE FIRST PLACE ARE YOU SOME SORT OF FREAK THAT FEELS THE NEED TO CARRY A SWORD EVERYWHERE HE GOES!?"I screamed.He turned to face me.He's hot.His black hair was swaying in the breeze,his green eyes shone.SHUT UP SELF HE'S CARRYING A FLIPPING SWORD."It's not a sword,it's a ballpoint pen,"He said,snapping his fingers."Who do you think I am,some sort of fool?"I yelled."Oh gods,"He said."Look,I was just walking down the street when that THING,"I pointed at the dog seal,"started ATTACKING ME."He rolled his eyes.I grabbed a nine-iron from a golf cart rolling down the sidewalk we were on."Well,if you won't kill the stupid monster,then I WILL,"I said,laying my tote down and charging the thing."WAIT THAT WON'T WORK AGAINST THE TELEKHINE,"He called,but I didn't wanna hear it.I swung my new nine-iron at it's head,letting go as if I were throwing a baseball bat.I stopped running at it.The 'telekhine' caught it in it's teeth.The nine-iron snapped in half as the thing bit down on it.Then,it charged me.I started running.Suddenly,something pushed me down.I hit the pavement and rolled over,just in time to see the thing land on me.It's claws dug into my arms and legs."LEMME GO,YOU OVERSIZED WALRUS!!!!"I yelled.It bared it's fangs.Oh my god,I'm gonna die."LEAVE HER ALONE!!PICK ON SOMEONE WITH AN ACTUAL CHANCE OF SURVIVING!!"The boy yelled.The thing looked up just as an arm pushed it off of me.Of course,the claws dug deeper.I screamed in pain."OFF!!"I yelled.The thing stared down at me."OFF!!!!"I yelled again.It got off.Thank you,animal shelter jobs.The boy started fighting.The dog grabbed the sword and flung it from his hand."RIPTIDE!!!!"He yelled.I scrambled for the sword.My hands fumbled for the hilt once I found it."HEY MUTT!!!!"I screamed as I turned around,attempting to get the monster's attention.Thankfully,it worked.It charged me.The sword was heavy,and I probably wasn't in the best position to fight,so I held it with both hands.The sword was pointed out as if I were poking an electrified fence with it.The sword sunk into the monsters stomach.It turned into a pile of dust.I dropped the sword,exhausted.I was exhausted and dizzy.Probably from loss of blood.The boy ran to my side."Oh my gods,are you okay!?"He asked,extremely worried.I nodded,standing up.Of course,that only made me even more dizzy.The boy was searching through his pockets.My knees buckled as he looked up at me.He caught me."Thanks...."I said."Hey,you okay?"He asked again."Hello?Hey,can you hear me?Ummm,you?Hello?Miss/Sir?Can you hear me?"Everything turned black.

Few Days Later

I woke up in a bed.I'll admit,it was comfortable.I sat up,but was looking at the bed awkwardly."Oh,you're awake!!Gods,I thought you wouldn't make it,"A voice said.I looked up.It was the boy from dream?"Wait....who are you,where am I,and what am I doing here?"I shot questions at him.The boy sat down on the side of the bed."I'm Percy Jackson,son of Poseidon-"He started."Poseidon?Like,the Greek god of the seas?"I asked.He nodded."So,that's how you jumped down from the wave without dying?"I asked."No,that's how I was on top of the wave in the first place,"He replied,chuckling a bit."Okay,keep going,"I said."I'm Percy Jackson,son of Poseidon.I'm sixteen years old and I live in Manhattan.You are in Camp Half-Blood.You obviously weren't a offense or anything.You could see my sword and that telekhine for what it was.You aren't normal.You have the blood of the gods in you.You're a half-blood.You're half god,half mortal.One of your parents was a god(A/I:YOU CHOOSE WHO YOUR GODLY PARENT IS).My father was Poseidon.As for what you're doing here....well....I brought you here after you passed out.I didn't think the doctor's would be a good place,and so I thought of here.So,we traveled by water to Camp Half-Blood.I kinda,maybe traveled under the water so hopefully your bleeding would stop,but that didn't work....Oh,speaking of healing,"I don't know how he got healing from bleeding,"Drink this,"He said,putting a straw in a glass of apple juice.He helped me put the straw to my lips.As soon as I took a sip,I wondered how apple juice could taste like(FAVORITE COMFORT FOOD HERE).Before I knew it,I drained the glass."Was juice?"I asked."No.It's nectar....the drink of the gods.We demigods can drink it to heal us....but not a lot.Too much can make us burn up into a pile of always tastes like your favorite comfort food...."He trailed off."Well,I gotta go meet my sisters(I have two OCs:Sarahlieia Jackson and Elizabeth Niño-both are daughters of Poseidon).Told them I'd meet them as soon as you woke up....see you soon!!"He said,smiling.He walked out the door,and from that moment on,I knew I had a major crush on Percy Jackson.

1st Week Of July

Percy and I were sparring.My hair was in(FAVORITE STYLE YOU LIKE YOUR HAIR(eg:down,up(in a pony tail etc.)etc.)HERE)His sword clashed with my(DEMIGOD WEAPON HERE).Eventually,he won.In the month I was here,I had come to love Camp Half-Blood.Even the climbing wall....okay,maybe not the climbing wall.Anyways,Percy and I went to the beach."Hey,ummm,Y/N,do you think you would maybe wanna go with me to the fireworks?"He asked."I would LOVE to,Percy,"I replied.He started blushing.Then,a wave came out of nowhere and drenched me."PERSEUS JACKSON YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!"I screamed,running after the boy.

4th Of July

"Hey,ummm,Sarah?"I asked,walking up to Percy's twin sister.She turned."Yeah,Y/N?"She replied."Ummm....Percy asked me to the fireworks and....well....I don't know what to wear or anything...."I trailed off."Just dress normally.It's not like it's dinner and a movie-"Her little half-sister,Elizabeth,cut her off."Although you two would look so KAWAII together!!"She said."Ummm,Lizzy,we don't speak Japanese...."Sarah laughed."Kawaii means cute,"She groaned.Elizabeth hated translating things from one language to another for people."Thank you for translating,Elizabeth!!"I said,patting her head."Stop patting my head Y/N."

Few Hours Later

"Oh my look....amazing!!"Percy marveled." look amazing too,"I said,blushing.OH CRAP I FORGOT-Percy laid a blanket down on the grass.He sat down and patted the spot next to him.I sat down next to him.Our hands accidentally touched at some point,but neither of us moved them.Close to the end,I got tired.I yawned."Are you tired?"Percy asked.I nodded."Just a little,"I yawned.He let me lay my head on his shoulder(A/I:I'm probably killing people right now with the feels*grabs feels ray gun(it's rays give people the feels)*MUAHAHAHAHA).After the fireworks ended,everyone started clapping,waking me from my half-slumber."Hm?"I asked."It's over,"Percy said,clapping."Oh!!"I exclaimed.I started clapping as well.He stared blankly at the blanket."What?"I asked."Ummm,well-" "Did you forget how to fold?"I asked.He nodded.I folded the blanket and handed it to him."Thanks,"He said.I nodded in reply."You okay?"He asked."Yeah....just....thinking,"I replied."Oh.Well,would you like me to walk you to your cabin?"He asked."Sure!!"I responded.So,was that it?Was that all the (SHIP NAME HERE) was?You thought.Apparently not.At the cabin door,Percy looked down at you."Can I ask you something?"He asked.I nodded."Y/N,(INSERT SON/DAUGHTER HERE) of (INSERT GODLY PARENT HERE),will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?"He asked,getting down on one knee and taking my hand."Stand up,"I said.His hopeful smile turned into a frown as he stood up.I jumped into his arms."YES,"I cried,"Yes,I will be your girlfriend/boyfriend!!"He smiled.I was hoping he'd kiss me....knowing him,though,he might not.Then,of course,much to my surprise,he kissed me(A/I:*shooting people with feels ray gun*FEEL THE POWER OF MY FEEEEEEELS.).From that moment on,I was dating Percy Jackson!!XD WOOOOOOOOO.

The Author(Aka Sucky Imagine Writer)

So you and Percy ended up having kids and getting married(in whichever order you want).You lived the rest of your days with him in your house in Manhattan....until you two got killed on your 15th wedding anniversary(A/I:NOOOOO PLEASE DONT KILL ME I WAS JOKING.)Just kidding,you and Percy live until your quiet deaths at the age of 89.

(A/I: Because I support homosexuality and nonstraightiness and transgender-ity, I made this for both guys, girl, and non-binaries (but idk what non-binary people are called (EG: boyfriend girlfriend etc etc), so I apologize to those of you non-binaries out there who are currently reading this and are offended that it's just boyfriend and girlfriend. It includes you as well, but I'm not sure what the 'term' is. Sowwy :(

Ps: Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. CX)

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