Leaving Home

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  A week went by and Jackson was leaving the home and going to live on campus. Jackson felt sick, his nerves where jumping everywhere, while Holt felt ready to leave home and had some epic parties planed. Jackson was packing his suit case when you walked into the room. " Hey sweetie" you said sitting on the floor next to Jackson, who was folding a pair of jeans and placing them neatly in his suit case. "Hey Mom" he said looking at you with a smile, " you ready to move on to bigger and better things?" You asked rubbing Jackson's back, " to  be honest Mom, I'm...I'm not" he said moving his head down. You gave a side smile and lifted his chin, " your going to be just fine Jackson" you said looking into his blue eyes. Jackson swung his arms around you and gave you a warm embrace, "Thanks Mom" he said in your shoulder. You helped Jackson pack the last of his things and soon he was ready to go, " look at you" said Dr.Jekyll who smiled with joy as he placed his hands in Jackson's shoulders, " Your a man" said Dr.Jekyll stepping back and looking at his son, "ready to go to the air port?" You asked, Jackson nodded. The three of you packed the car, and started down the road. Jackson was sitting in the back seat looking out the window, "you excited son?" Asked Dr.Jekyll, Jackson looked up, " Yeah, but I'll miss you guys" said Jackson with tears forming in his eyes. You look in the rear view mirror and saw Jackson lift his glasses and wipe his eyes. " aw honey, you'll be just fine...I promise" you said as you turned to face your son, Jackson gave a slight smile. Dr. Jekyll tried to lighten the mood by saying Jackson will be on the same flight as the Travois, and Jackson and Jessie got seats next to each other. Jackson perked up,and you soon arrived at the international air port. All three of you unpacked the car and Dr. Jekyll gave Jackson his ticket. You walked into the air port which was not to crowded," okay it's safe" you said as you saw the small amount of people there. Jackson heard a recognizable squeal and turned around, Jessie flew straight into Jackson's arms. "Hey" said Jackson with a giggle, the rest of the family walked up and gave your family a hug hello. "Today is a big day for you little devils" said Mrs.Travois crossing your arms and giving a confident smile, "Yeah" said Jackson shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well" said Mr.Travois coming forth, " tonight will be a full moon, so take these" said Mr. Travois handing Jessie, and David small bottles. Jessie and David groaned and took the small glass bottles and shot the liquid down, they gagged. "Oh stop, it's for the best" he said. All seven of you walked to the gate to bored the plane, Jessie's eyes teared up as she ran into her mothers arms, David hugged his father and mother. Jackson walked over to you, and Dr.Jekyll and gave you big a warm hug. "Please, keep Holt in check" you said choking back the tears, Jackson giggled "I will" he said into your shoulder, " stay well, and healthy son" said Dr.Jekyll kissing Jackson's head. Jackson nodded with a confident smile, "call us when you get to the hotel so we know your okay" you said as you fiddled with your purse. "I will!" Jackson said giving you one last kiss. He walked off with Jessie and David,then turned around and gave one last wave which made you loss it.You sobbed loudly into your husbands shoulder, "he will be alright" said Dr.Jekyll looking down and kissing your tear stained face. Jackson sat with Jessie and across from David, "this is it" said Jackson leaning over to David, "yeah, we're off to college" he said with shock, "hey, what's wrong?" Asked Jackson looking back at Jessie, "I'm nervous" said said playing with her long brown hair, "it will be okay we got each other" said Jackson putting his arm around Jessie. She smiled and snuggled into Jackson. Soon it was time for take off, the planes engines started to work over time moving the plane quickly and soon, lift off. Jackson felt his ears pop but he looked out of the window to see the town below, he loved the view. Jessie and David where fast asleep, "probably what they took earlier made this effect" Jackson thought to himself. The plane ride was long but Jackson got to read,watch movies, and relax. Soon Jessie woke up from her five hour nap. "Where are we" She asked looking around, "we took off a couple of hours ago, you where sleeping" said Jackson, "oh" Jessie yawned, "does my hair look crazy?" Asked Jessie looking up at Jackson with bed head and groggy eyes. Jackson smiled "your so cute" he said blushing as he moved Jessie's hair out of her face.Jessie giggled and turned pink, " I'm sorry if I keep on falling asleep, my father gave David, and I, something that would help reduce the chance of us turning" she said hugging Jackson's arm, and leaning her head in his shoulder, "it's quit alright" said Jackson putting his head on Jessie's. "Want to watch a movie?" Asked Jackson kissing Jessie's head, Jessie sniffed and nodded her head as she curled up closer to Jackson. They chose a horror movie which they both enjoyed even tho Jessie jumped, they laughed it off. Hours later they finally arrived in England, " alright were here" said Jackson waking up Jessie and David, they woke up,got their bags, and headed out of the plane. Soon they got a ride to the hotel where they will stay the night. ~time skip~ Jackson laid in bed thinking about college, and how life will be away from home. Jessie soon crawled into bed and put her small hand on Jackson's chest, " goodnight my love" Jackson blushed and kissed Jessie's head. She and Jackson soon feel asleep.

   Jackson/ Holt P.O.V:
Tomorrow I will visit my campus! I'm so excited to see what challenges I will face. ( Holt: challenges like...trying to make new friends) ignore Holt anyway, I am going to check out all of the science clubs and enjoy my first year! (Holt: nerd alert!)
Jackson/ Holt

( Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde X Reader part 3) Where stories live. Discover now