Coincidene Or Fate?

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Chapter 1

"Hello this is Crystal Abel Designer's Section, how may I help you?"

"May! Help me! Misty's gone nuts!" a guy's voice cried. May's right eye twitched.

"What did you do this time, Ash?" May asked with a monotone voice.

"Nothing?! Wait, something." Ash's voice paused over the line.

May cringed as she heard plates crashing, "Ash, you better have dinner ready by the time me and Dawn get home." she warned. When she still heard nothing she sighed and hunged up.

You see ever since the day Drew left with another girl May went to Ever Grande City in Hoen. There she met Leaf, she's from Orange Islands. And ever since then they were inseparable.

So along the way she found a young women about her age with midnight blue hair. She was pregnant too, but May's baby was a few days older than hers. She left her home because of the baby, so May and Leaf took her in with them.

Her name was Dawn, pretty name just like her hair. Another women 3 years older than us and 2 years older than Leaf joined our apartment. Her name was Misty. She was sweet and always cared for us 3. So we treated her like an older sister.

Dawn had a baby girl while May had a baby boy. May named her baby Lynch Jared Hayden.

Dawn named her daughter, Summer. She had purple hair and Dawn's beautiful blue eyes. While May's baby has Drew's luscious emerald hair and her bright sapphire orbs.

He's turning 5 this year and he already inherited his fathers cockiness. But he has my kind and caring side. He has May's heart shaped face and her bangs. While his nose, lips, and cheekbones are like his father's.

I missed him so much, May thought as she placed her head on her oak desk.

Okay so that was kind of a background information about May, and her friends. Hopefully the next one I do will be done before Thanksgiving break or during it.

Thank you!


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