Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After staying near Starbucks for a while, May drove home.


Is that even the right word? Sure it's where you live with your loved ones but I thought your love ones consisted of your friends AND your beloved one. But where's mine?

"With someone else," May chuckled bitterly as she took a hard left turn.

The clouds start to darken, just like May's mood. And soon it will pour, and so will May.

One drop after the other tears starts to collet and so does raindrops. Sometimes living in a past isn't so great after all, May thought and used her palms to wipe the tears.

Maybe we should live in the future instead, after all it doesn't allow us to feel the pain all over again and it allows us to be free. Free of pain, sounds nice. But it also means that I wouldn't feel love anymore, because a single heart can only hold so much.

What if one day, the cracks extends and gets bigger and bigger enough to break them into pieces. Pieces that can never be mended ever again. What is done is done. And no one can be able to change it. I learned that the hard way.

Sometimes I wonder what will happen is I was the one that had forgotten about him. This is my fault and it'll always be. My heart aches for him but he's with a another. Then my heart starts to make small cracks. And soon it'll make bigger ones, and it itself might forever scar me.

"I just want you to know May, that I will be by your side. Forever and ever till we die." Drew said.

Of course, he said that over and over. How could I believe those words when I see him and that women together? All happy looking and lovey dovey, it's supposed to be me that's with him forever. Not her. I know, it's a angry and jealous thought.

But still, looking at them being together and having fun seems like it has been slowly killing me, and that is why I left him.

Because of the fact that I am not stronger than before.

Finally she reached her stop. Her home as she called it.

It was still raining but it's not anything May cannot handle. She got out and walked slowly towards the door.

She was only halfway there when the door suddenly opened.

She lifted her head and said with a sad smile,"Lynch."

Lynch grinned before motioning for his mother to get inside. "Come on Mommy! Aunt Misty made a yummy and delicious dinner today! You can't miss it!"

Then he giggled,"Uncle Ash got whacked on the head for breaking plates."

May chuckled lightly as she got inside,"Let's just hope she doesn't kick Uncle Ash out again for the night." And then she pulled Lynch in for a hug.

"You better get ready to tell me why you got into a fight today, mister." She said in a serious tone.

"Correction almost!" Lynch cried.

May shook her head, although he may be a 5 year old he sure is smart. She patted his head,"Get ready to tell me what happened today, big guy."

Lynch sighed,"Yes mother."

May smiled faintly before closing the door behind her.

"Now what's for dinner, tonight?" She asked when she walking into the kitchen.

"Ramen." Leaf answered with a book in her hand,"We all know that it's your favorite." Leaf grinned.

May chuckled,"Of course!" And then she leaned down towards Lynch,"And it's also Lyn's favorite too, right?"

Lynch grinned and said the same thing,"Of course!!"

Ash then decided to poke his head out of the kitchen,"Don't forget about me! I love ramen more than any of you!" And then he wave a spatula in the air.


"Ow ow ow ow! Misty! Let go!" Ash cried with tears streaming down his face,"I surrender! I'll help!" He begged.

Pikachu sweatdropped,"Pika pika." Pikachu murmured.

Misty let his ear go before disappearing back into the kitchen. "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes!" She called.

May chuckled at the couple,"They'll have an interesting future together, don't cha think Leaf?" May asked Leaf.

Leaf grinned,"Of course. Bet the kids would have Ash's attitude."

"You're probably right about that, let's just hope that Misty's wrath would spare them." May smiled.

"Mama! I think I found daddy!" Lynch announced with a big smile.

As usual, vote comment or vomment(mash up between comment and vote)!

And I'm starting to place date's on when I publish these chapters since I keep on forgetting when it's publish and stuff.

So today is: 12/13/14 or December 13, 2014

Again, hope you enjoyed this. Though I believe it's a pretty short one -.-"


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