The Next Day

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Harry's POV:
I woke up looking at a white wall, and starting to scan the room and I finally realized that I am in the Hospital Wing. The memories of what happened yesterday came flooding right to me when I finally got to the point where I collapsed.

Madam Pomfrey took notice of me being awake  she asking me of how I felt. I said that I felt good, but she was definitely unsure of it, seeing by the looks of her face. 10 minutes later, she came back with Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Arthur and Molly, all of them with a worried face planted in them.

Before anyone could say something, I stated clearly that I was fine when I felt a struck of pain travelling down my chest. Everyone started to worry, but the pain went a way so I thought it was just a side effect. But i felt a liquid, travelling down my chest and finally noticed of a red-liquid that started showing from my shirt.

The Weasleys asked me of what happened but I just sat quietly, thinking that I should probably tell them what happened, without telling them about me being a horcrux. But i just sat there quietly, unable to get a word out of me.
     "Stop worrying guys, I'm fine okay, lets just go to the Great Hall," I said, hoping that they would realise that I was trying to change the subject.

Molly replied and said that they were just getting back to the burrow and asked me to join them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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