You are a new teacher at K.A.I(Korean And International) High School. The students are...surprising but there is one teacher that catches your eye.Basically a Teacher love story. -KPOP_TRAINEE
Jin comes back and sits beside you Jin: How's your feet? Y/N: Jin.... Jin: Yes What is it? Y/N: Why didn't you tell me? Jin:..... you figured out huh? Y/N: Yes Jin*holds his face* where did you go? Why did you have to leave me? Jin stays quite while helping your feet He puts ice Y/N: AHHH *holds Jin tightly* it hurts it hurts Jin: *looks at you and stops* ok I'll stop *just puts a bandage on top of the blister. Y/N: Jin why can't you tell me? Jin: I can't! Y/N: WHY CANT YOU TELL ME?!?!*tears about to fall* Jin: I-I GOT MARRIED!!! Y/N: *speechless* Jin: My parents made me do a force marriage and I guess I feel In love. Y/N: Do you love her? Do you still love me? Jin: Yes But now I see you I regret everything even marrying her. Y/N: I think I should go Jin: No Y/N I'll get a divorce so we can be together- Y/N: Jin... does she love you? Jin: She doesn't she only cares about my money Y/N: Do you have any children? Jin: I guess my money is her baby Y/N: *swallows* I'll just take a bus* Jin: Y/N!!!! *holds your face, don't leave me this time *leans in and kisses you* Someone comes home Wife: *sneakily walks in* Is my husband home? Other guy: You tell me... Jin looks up Jin: Ji Su? Wife: Jin? Wife&Jin: Let's get a divorce. Y/N:*shocked* Jin: Y/N is this okay with you Y/N: I'm fine I'm just really shocked. do whatever you like! Jin: Do you want to live with eachother? And get back together*holds your hand* Y/N:*nods* A few hours later the Divorce papers had been signed the others(the wife and the other guy) moved out Jin: Are you okay? Y/N: Yes I'm happy we are together again but in a weird way Jin: I don't mind as long you are with me *lifts you up and spins you around* Y/N: Ah Jin!!! Stop that!!! Jin puts you don't and puts your back against the wall with his arm over you to the wall as well Jin: *leans in* Y/N: LETS GO TO BED!!! Jin: *confused face* *smirks* Ok lets go! Y/N says in head: What am I doing You both go to the bedroom Y/N: Ah the bed is so comfy!!! Jin: I know right I love sleeping here!!! You both lye down and look at the ceiling Jin: You know I love you right. Y/N: Yes I know - I-I mean you do? Jin: Hahaha I do! You turn your back Y/N: In going to sleep! Jin: *cuddles with you* good night! Y/N: Good night! You are delighted even though you went through the drama.
The next morning You two go to school Holding each others hand You walk through the hallways There are news papers everywhere Jin picks up one
Breaking News: Mr.Kim&Ms.Y/N Together?!?!
(Picture if you two)
Y/N: *gasps* Jin: Babe it's the truth. Girl1: Is it true that you two are together?!?!!? Boy1: Are you married?!!? Girl2: WHAT ABOUT ME OR US!!!! Y/N: N- Jin: Yes its true now get to class or else everyone gets detention. The students leave Y/N: Babe I don't want to leave you I'm scared Jin: Scaredy cat Y/N: Hey! Jin: Ok fine Scaredy Dog! Y/N: Ugh fine You go into class and sit down at your desk Everyone's quite Boy: Teacher what happened to your style, what happened with your short skirts Boys:AYEEEEEEEE
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Boy2: Did your boyfriend tell you to wear that? Y/N: Yes a matter of fact he did and it's Gucci and to all that looked under my skirt gets Detention which is all the boys that are in the centre thank you Boys: Ugh They go to detention You love the fact since you have your boyfriend you have loads of power Y/N: Ok let's start the lesson Few minutes later Y/N: Class dismissed You look outside the class room door You see Jin waiting Y/N: Babe!!! You run up to him Jin: Babe!!!*he carries you and swings you* Y/N: Ah put me down! Some students watch Girl: it's not fair Girl2: She has bigger boobs than me Girl3: she's so lucky Boy: rumour has it they were together since college Girl: DANG IT THAT MEANS I WILL NEVER GET THE CHANCE. Boy: You didn't even have any chances single ass Jin: Let's go to the staff room Y/N: Ok! *smiles* You both go to the staff room You both just sit and have coffee Teachers: Congrats! Y/N: Thanks Principal: Congratulations! Jin: Thanks you sir Jin: I got to go to the bathroom ok! Y/N: *smiles* yep! He leaves A girl student sneaks in the staff room Girl: Ms.Y/N Y/N: What are you doing here? Girl: I'm just giving you a tip on Mr.Kim he likes slutty girls Y/N: Oh really?! Girl: Oh he does Y/N: Why are you telling me this? Girl: so you can improve your relationship*says in head*to ruin your relationship Girl: Got to go byeeee Jin comes back Jin: Missed me? Y/N: Of I did course I did! The next day Jin is at the school already You text him Y/N: Jin I'll be there I'm just getting ready Jin: Ok don't take that long I miss you already! Y/N: See you there! Y/N: Ok Y/N let's do it!