Rainy Days

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  • Dedicated to Xxkpop_queenxX

[A/N] This oneshot is not mine~ Credits to the owner @Xxkpop_queenxX (http://asianfanfics.com)

Oneshot Title: Rainy Days



“Where are you going Kyuhyun?”Leeteuk asked worriedly

“I’m going for a walk…” I replied

“Don’t go too far, we have SuKiRa in 2 hours” eunhyuk stated

“I won’t, it’s just a walk, and I’ll be back soon” I said

 As Kyuhyun walked he noticed the street was quiet compared to normal days, normally fans would be lined up in front of their dorm, but today was different.

“Kyuhyun?” a familiar voice called out to him

“KYUHYUN!!!" a little girl yelled and jumps on a 7 year old version of Kyuhyun

“YAH!! WHY ARE YOU SO LOUD!!” little Kyuhyun yelled,

“I’m not loud… am I? She asked,

“Yes you are!!” Kyuhyun said

“Well…” she started

“Well?” Kyuhyun asked

“What do you want to do today? She asked

Kyuhyun smiles and replies “let’s go to our special place! I’ll race you there!” as Kyuhyun runs off

“HEY!!! WAIT!!” Eunhee screams as she chases after Kyuhyun

“Eunhee?” I questioned

“So you do remember” Eunhee said and grinned

“Of course!” I started, “how can I forget my childhood friend!”

“Hmm? You’ve grown! I remember when you where still shorter than me!” EunHee stated

“Of course I’ve grown!! You think I’ll stay that short forever?!” I asked concerned

“Maybe~” she said

As they talked, the sky got darker and darker, they knew sooner or later it would start to rain so they decided to visit their “special place”

“Wow, I haven’t been here in such a long time! You took really good care of the lavenders” EunHee said

“Well nah~ you’ve been in America the whole time” I said being sarcastic

“Kyuhyun…” EunHee said as she stood up “are you still angry at me?”

I was taken aback by her question, was I angry? I...I don’t know…

“No, of course I’m not”

“Kyuhyun!” 17 year old EunHee called

“Hmm?” Kyuhyun mumbled not taking he’s eyes off he’s game

“I need to talk to you!” she said

“What is it?” Kyuhyun mumbled still not taking he’s eyes off he’s game

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