Chapter 2.5: The Mission (Part 2)

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(To continue)
(June 20, 2027 - 7:35 AM)
Gemma: Still gonna reject the mission you coward?!

Jim: I'm on.... And BTW why are you trespassing my house earlier?

Gemma: Trespass?! You let me in guys!!

Jim: Guys?! That's Mom not me.

Gemma: Well you also talked to me before I go!

Jim: Asshshshhshh..... I wanna get in please.... I accept the mission, MA'AM!

Gemma: Oh... Man, GO IN!

(Pulls Jim's hand to go inside)
(Slams the door)

Gemma: Hey..... YOU.... JUST SIT THERE! (She let go of his hand)

(Sits on the couch)
Jim: Oh Man.....

(Gemma sit also)
(Stares at Jim)

Jim: Why are ya starin' at me.... I told it you have a crush on me....

Gemma: Oh Man, WHAT?! CRUSH ON YOU.... Even you don't respect older people.... And BTW!!! I was looking on your blinking lights on your vest.....

Jim: Blinking lights?! (Looks and holds) OH MAN?!

(While on Erlinda)

Erlinda: I found that rabbit! But, AH CMON!!!

Richard: What?

Erlinda: He is a hundred kilometers away!!! Hayssss!!?!

Richard: No problem I know the shortcut!

Erlinda: What?

Richard: YO CAR!!! FLYDAY

Erlinda: What?! (Transforms to a chopper) Oh MAN!!!?!!! DAMNNNN?! !!??!?! CMON I HATE 2027?!?!?!?!?!!

Richard: HAHAHHH?!?!!!!!? BTW thanks for the advice that I'm not taking a toothbrush!

Erlinda: YOU FOOLS?!?!??!? (FLIES) Waaaaggaghhhajhahhh?!!?!?!?

(While on Jim)

Jim: I'd better go out for a bit

Gemma: And why? Gimme that blinking light.

Jim: Uggghhh can't do that.

Gemma: Why?! Just gimme that!!

(Walks to the door)

Jim: Can't do that MA'AM

Gemma: Please!!!

...............(Smashes the door)

(Gemma runs also)
Gemma: Hey comeback here!! DAMN!!!

Jim: (Inhales-Exhales) I'd better leave that woman.... Is she running for this light or she is running for me?!!!

Gemma: Hey GET BACK HERE!!
(Runs to him)

Jim: OH MAN... (Gets in the car) (Engine starts) (Tire screeches)

Gemma: HEY COMEBACK HERE!!! (Stops running) (Got tired)

Jim: Man... Wooo yeah escaped that old cow.... Awww... Ah the blinking light (Throws) (Breaks)

(While on Erlinda)

Radar: NO CONNECTION.. Please call technical support to fix that or blame Richard because its fragile... Thank You...


Richard: Ah cmon... What kind of build is that?!

(Goes back to normal transport: Car)
Erlinda: Waahhh!, Oh (discontinued)

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