Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV

Its so cold outside so we are all sitting around the fire in the living room at the Burrow. By all I mean me, Fred, George, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Lee, Dean, Seamus, Angelina, Ron and to my dislike Lavender.

"Let's play a game." Fred says.

"How about truth or dare?" I ask.

"What's that?" Ron asks.

"It's a game where someone is asked truth or dare. If they answer truth they will be asked a question that they have to answer truthfully. If they say dare then the person tells them to do something that most of the time people don't want to do. If you don't want to answer the question or do the dare you have to take off an item of clothing excluding socks, shoes, or jewelry." Harry answered.

"Okay but could we go put on more layers and meet back down here in 10 minutes?" Ginny asks.

"Yeah." I say. We all head up stairs to put on more layers. In 10 minutes I'm back downstairs with a sports bra, 2 tank tops, a short sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt (that Fred gave me one night when we were up late talking and I got cold), leggings and sweatpants on.

Fred was the next one to come down. He looked at me and smirked.

"Nice sweatshirt 'Mione." He said. I blushed and looked down hoping he didn't see me blush.

When everyone was back down we started.

"I'll go first." Harry said.

He looked around the circle then his eyes landed on me. Oh crap.

"Hermione truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth." I say

"Why do you have Fred's sweatshirt." He asked with a smirk. Ron looked at me like he just noticed I was wearing Fred's sweatshirt.

"One night I couldn't sleep and was sitting on the couch with my copy of "The Fault In Our Stars" and Fred came down holding Allegiant, which is the last book of the series Divergent which I had him read..."

"Wait. You got FRED to read a BOOK?" Ginny interrupted.

"Yeah it was actually pretty good you Pansycake." Fred said. I giggled because he used a word from the book. He winked at me.

"Anyways what happened next?" Ginny asked after giving Fred the death glare.

"We talked about the series for a while then he asked about the book I was reading and I let him borrow it so he could read it since I've already read it like 20 times. The fire was starting to go out and I got cold so Fred gave me his sweatshirt. Then we stayed up a little longer talking." I said. I looked around the group then said "Ginny truth or dare?"

"Dare." She replied.

"I dare you too kiss your crush." Ginny leaned over and kissed Harry. Harry started kissing back.

"Alright lovebirds can we continue the game?" She said. Harry and Ginny pulled apart blushing. We all laughed.

"Okay, okay. Umm Ron truth or dare?"


"Who do you like?"


That didn't really shock me because I kinda figured he liked me after we kissed during the battle last year. The only thing is I don't know if I still feel the same about him anymore.

"Fred truth or dare." He asked.


"I dare you to use Hermione's iPhone and dial some random number and tell them that you have lost your chicken and need help finding it."

I handed my phone to Fred. He already knows my password from that night we sat by the fire together and I taught him how to use it. He dialed a random number and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" A voice that sounds like an old man said.

"Hello sir I've lost my chicken and I need help finding it. Could you help me?" Fred asked.

"How the heck am I suppose to be able to help you?" He asked kind of annoyed.

"Well if you don't want to help I'll just find someone else to help me find my beloved chicken." Fred said then hung up. We all burst out laughing.

"Alright Lee truth or dare?" Fred asked.

"Dare." He answered.

"I dare you to tell us about the time you asked Angelina out and got rejected." Lee blushed and took one of his shirts off.

"Seamus truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you walked into the girls restroom once?"

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Seamus yelled. We all laughed.

"Dean truth or dare?"

"Well you kinda look mad right now so I'm gonna say truth."

Fred leaned over and whispered "He's a pansycake." I started giggling some and I missed Dean's question and answer.

"Fred truth or dare?"

"Dare because I'm not a pansycake." he said.

"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with your crush." I figured he would choose Angelina so I just kinda started playing with the string on his sweatshirt that I was wearing. Then I noticed a hand so I looked up to see Fred standing in front of me with his hand held out. I smiled and took his hand. We walked to his room.

When we got to his room I closed the door and sat on his bed. He walked over and sat next to me.

"If you don't want to do anything I completely under..." He started but I cut him off by kissing him. He got over his shock and started kissing back. He placed his hands on the small of my back and pulled me closer. My hands went into his hair. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I allowed. We kept deepening the kiss until I was laying on top of him with my hand up his shirt. Just then Ron burst into the room and I jumped off Fred. Ron mumbled that time was up then left.

As me and Fred were walking downstairs he stopped me.

"Hermione will you go out with me?"

I said yes then kissed him. We started heading back downstairs smiling with our hands intertwined together and our hair all messed up.

Harry Potter Truth or Dare (Fremione)Where stories live. Discover now