Chapter 3

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Ron's POV

When Fred was dared to play 7 minutes in Heaven with his crush I didn't think much of it. That is until he held his hand out towards Hermione. I was livid at my older brother. How could he? I literally just told everyone I have a crush on Hermione.

Once we heard Fred's door close we started the timer. I intently stared at the clock waiting for the 7 minutes to be up. It seemed more like 7 years than 7 minutes but finally time was up.

"I'll tell them!" I basically yelled as I sprinted up the stairs two at a time. I finally reached Fred's room and yanked the door open without even knocking. The sight I saw just made me even more mad. Hermione was laying on top of Fred with her hand up his shirt and both their hairs were a mess.

"Times up." I mumbled as I raced back downstairs wanting to get as far away from them as quick as I could. I re took my spot and just looked at my shoes.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked but I ignored him. I noticed it took Fred and Hermione a few minutes longer to get back downstairs than normal. If anyone else noticed they didn't say anything.

When they returned we continued to play. I didn't really pay attention. Until Harry asked George:

"How long has Fred had a crush on Hermione?"

"Hmm since y'all's 3rd year when she punched Draco. Word spread fast."

I couldn't help the anger  pooling in my stomach. Fred knew about my crush on Hermione but never thought to tell me about his? I didn't really pay much more attention to the game unless someone chose to pick me.

After the game I rushed to my room. Harry immediately following me.

"Come on Ron it's not that bad." He tried to say but I wasn't having any of it. So I promptly slammed the door in his face. I sat around brooding till mum called us for dinner.

Harry's POV

Ron is completely overreacting. I don't know when he got it in his thick skull that Hermione liked him back. That kiss they shared was from pure adrenaline. No feelings were involved on her side. It has been painfully obvious she had feelings for Fred since forever.

After Ron slammed his door in my face I sighed and headed back downstairs passing Fred and Hermione on the way.

"Hey guys." I waved as they passed.

"Oh hey Harry. Sorry, would stop to chat but we're a little preoccupied." Hermione giggled before dragging Fred down the hall. I decided to go out side and join the little Quidditch match the others had most likely started.

"Where's the others?" Ginny asked as I joined them outside.

"Ron locked himself up in his room and I think Fred and Hermione are finishing what they started earlier." I informed them.

"All in gonna say is our room better not smell like sex tonight." George said but there was a slight smirk on his face. We all laughed before splitting up into teams. We played until Molly called us in for dinner.

I want to apologize for not updating this in sooooooooooooo long. I got caught up writing my Newtmas stories and reading Newtmas fanfics. Then I started watching Supernatural and got addicted to Destiel. I have been reading so much Destiel fanfiction I haven't wanted to stop to update my other stories. I also wanna say that just because I didn't update doesn't mean that I didn't occasionally get on her and read everyone's comments on all of my stories. Y'all mean the world to me because y'all took the time to read my stories (or just this one for some of y'all) and I wanna say thank y'all so much. I love y'all and I will try to update more!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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