Chapter 2

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Fred POV

I must admit I'm really glad we played that game of truth or dare. Best 7 minutes of my life.

Plus now I'm dating Hermione.

As we walked back into the room we took our spots from earlier.

I look around the room and finally decide on Harry.

"Harry, truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you let a snake out at the zoo when you were younger?"

"Yeah by accident. How did you even know about that? I've only ever told Ron and..." he trails off and glares at Hermione.

"What? It was funny." She says giggling. Gosh she's adorable.

Harry glares at her for another few seconds before turning to George.

"George, truth or dare."


"How long has Fred had a crush on Hermione?"

"Hmm since y'all's 3rd year when she punched Draco. Word spread fast."

Hermione looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. The game continued for another hour or so. When it was over we all kinda just went and did our own things. Hermione and I stayed and sat on the couch. She was sitting on my lap.

"So you've liked me since my 3rd year?"

"Yeah." I said sheepishly. She just giggled and kissed me. I of course kissed back.

"I've liked you since my first year." she said when we broke apart. "Although I did get annoyed with you some."

"That is to of been expected." I said with a grin on my face. She just laughed and slapped my arm.

We stayed silent for the next couple of minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence.

"Hermione?" I asked breaking the comfortable silence.


"I know we just started dating but I think I'm in love with you." I said quietly.

"I think I'm in love with you too Fred." she said then kissed me again.

"Get a room lovebirds." George said as he came in from outside to get a drink.

"I've got one." I responded.

"Then bloody use it." He said before going back outside.

I raised one of my eyebrows at Hermione.

"Oh my god I'm gonna regret this later but right now I really don't care." she said before standing up from my lap and holding her hand out.

Saying I was surprised by what she just said would be an understatement. But of course me being me took her hand and lead her up to my room.

A/N sorry it took me so long to update this story. I've been mainly focused on my Newtmas stories. I'll try to update this one again soon.

Harry Potter Truth or Dare (Fremione)Where stories live. Discover now