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This is a first draft. WHISTLEBLOWER will be published in paperback and ebook on March 14, 2023. Pre-orders are now available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and other major book retailers. Link in my author bio.

whis·tle-blow·er (noun) a person who exposes information to the public regarding corruption or wrongdoing.

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Laurel Cates is a people-watcher. She's determined to get through college without stepping on any toes or causing a scene, and so far, it's going pretty well. But when Laurel uncovers a scandal involving the head coach of Garland University's beloved football team, she knows she has to do the right thing.

Even if her classmates don't believe her.

Even if her boss tries to fire her from the side job she desperately needs.

Even if the heart-of-gold quarterback, Bodie St. James, seems hell-bent on hating her for writing the article that got Coach Vaughn put under criminal investigation (a feat which proves difficult when Laurel and Bodie wind up in the same group for a class project in BIO 108: Human Sexuality).

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This book was inspired by my four years at the University of Southern California. Our boy Bodie (pronounced boat-y) closely resembles a football player I had a crush on. I'll admit that freely in a court of law.

Fair warning that this story will contain foul language, sexual tension, feminism, diversity, dad jokes, and alcohol (they're juniors in college, not saints).

I'm really excited about this one, guys.

Your friendly author, Kate

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